
Is Robespierre a good leader?

Is Robespierre a good leader?

Maximilien Robespierre is best known as the leader of the bloody Reign of Terror during French Revolution. Robespierre supported virtue and law over monarchy, famously called for liberty and fraternity, successfully toppled the aristocracy, and created a more democratic system in France.

What did Robespierre do that was good for France?

Maximilien Robespierre, the architect of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As the leading member of the Committee of Public Safety from 1793, Robespierre encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine, of more than 17,000 enemies of the Revolution.

What is Maximilien Robespierre best known for?

Maximilien Robespierre and the radical Jacobins are best known for their association with the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

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What’s the worst thing Maximilien Robespierre did?

Under Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety oversaw to the deaths of thousands of people across France. Many of them were sentenced to the guillotine, and many of them perished in prison. During the Reign of Terror alone, almost 17,000 capital sentences were meted out in France.

Did Robespierre establish a republic?

In October, after Robespierre proposed in vain to close the convention, the Committee declared itself a revolutionary government. Those who were not actively defending France (modérantisme) became his enemy….

Maximilien Robespierre
Born Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre6 May 1758 Arras, Artois, France

What did Robespierre say before he died?

Allegedly, the executioner ripped off Robespierre’s bandage which caused Robespierre to cry out in agony. Someone in the crowd gave Robespierre a handkerchief to stop the bleeding from his jaw. His last words were said to the person who had given him the handerchief, and they were as follows: “Merci, Monsier.”

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How will Robespierre be remembered in history?

Robespierre always had France’s best interests at heart. He never wanted to have to use terror as a means of moving the French Revolution forwards, but he believed it had to happen for the better of France. He was a virtuous man from the beginning right up until the end and for that, he will be well remembered.

How many siblings did Maximilien de Robespierre have?

Maximilien was born five months after their marriage as the eldest of four children. His siblings were Charlotte (1760–1834), Henriette (1761–1780), and Augustin (1763–1794). Early in July 1764, Madame de Robespierre gave birth to a stillborn daughter; she died twelve days later, at the age of 29.

What did Robespierre say to Franklin in his letter?

In his letter, Robespierre told Franklin that he was happy to win the lightning rod case, but that he would be even happier if he could get Franklin’s approval on it, since Franklin was “a man whose least worth is that of being the most brilliant scholar in the universe.” Signed, Robespierre, with some winky kissy faces probably.

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How did Robespierre conclude his argument in his court summary?

In his winning court summary, Robespierre concluded his arguments by saying that Benjamin Franklin had used science to master nature, stating, “A man has appeared in our time, who has dared to arm men against fire from heaven, and who has said to lightning `You shall go no further.’” Lightning Rod = 1, The People = 0.