
What can you learn from Lord of the Rings?

What can you learn from Lord of the Rings?

Here are just a few lessons we can all take from LOTR:

  • All relationships are full of ups and downs. Even in Middle Earth, relationships are imperfect.
  • Don’t just hang in there, do it with tenacity!
  • Get yourself a true BFF.
  • You are capable of doing unexpectedly big things.

Is LOTR a good read?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is absolutely worth reading, even though they’re very long and a bit monotonous. There’s so much to the story that doesn’t make it into movies, side stories and fascinating tidbits that you miss if you don’t take the plunge.

Do you need to watch The Hobbit before Lord of the Rings?

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The Hobbit is a trilogy, not a single movie and this is also the case with the LotR. The latter was made first but the former takes places earlier chronologically. However, watching the Hobbit trilogy is not “required” to enjoy or understand the LotR trilogy. Hence, the short answer is it doesn’t matter.

Should I read the Hobbit or LotR first?

Yes do read The Hobbit first. Just because it was released first and introduces Gandalf and Bilbo and just because it’s a easy way to get into Tolkien and how he writes and all. Reading “The Hobbit” is not crucial to understanding “The Lord of the Rings”, but it would give you an understanding of Middle Earth.

Should you watch The Hobbit before LOTR?

Watch The Hobbit trilogy in the chronological order, then watch The Lord of The Rings in the chronological order. The Hobbit series is prequel to The Lord of The Rings. Even the story of first Lord of The Rings movie literally continues the ending of the last Hobbit movie.

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Should I read the Hobbit or LOTR first?

What lesson did you learn from The Lord of the Rings?

The lesson I got from this is that life is short, and full of interesting things. Live it. One key element in the LOTR sagas is the mix of beings that worked together towards a common goal: the destruction of the Ring. Under ordinary circumstances, members of the fellowship of the Ring would kill each other given the slightest provocation.

What is the setting of The Lord of the Rings?

The setting of The Lord of the Rings is out of this world, filled with fantastical creatures, magic and mystery. A casual reader may feel that it has no connection with the “real” world, but if you look deep enough, there are quite a few life lessons buried in all those improbable grand adventures.

Can you abandon your friends in The Lord of the Rings?

1. You Can’t Abandon Your Friends (But You Do Need to Trust Them). There’s a crucial moment in “The Lord of the Rings” where Aragorn makes a set of decisions, he goes out after Merry and Pippin after they are captured by Uruks and chooses to let Frodo and Sam travel on to Mordor on their own.

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Why is “The Lord of the Rings” so popular?

Any nerd worth their salt can tell you that J.R.R.Tolkien’s masterpiece “The Lord of the Rings” is without a doubt one of the most influential pieces of fictional literature of our time. The adventures of Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, and the whole Company spawned an entire generation of media inspired by the themes and motifs of Middle Earth.