Tips and tricks

Is it illegal to copy someones tattoo?

Is it illegal to copy someones tattoo?

No, it’s not okay to copy someone else’s tattoos and there are two reasons why you shouldn’t do it. The second reason is that the specific tattoo was meant to be unique and coping it would depreciate the personal value of the original tattoo.

Can you own or otherwise copyright a tattoo?

Yes, tattoos can be protected by copyright. Copyright can protect pictorial and graphic works so long as they are fixed in a physical object and display originality.

Can you show a tattoo artist a picture of another tattoo?

Most tattoo artists are in fact artists. They want to tattoo you with their own art and not somebody else’s. Also, remember that good artists won’t copy another artist’s design so don’t ask. Don’t send them a picture of another artist’s work and say “I want this tattoo”.

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Can you be sued for copying a tattoo?

Legally speaking, it would be considered copyright infringement to use someone else’s unaltered artwork as a tattoo, but it would be unlikely that a person would sue over this or pursue any type of legal action.

Is it legal to use someone else’s tattoo?

Legally speaking, it would be considered copyright infringement to use someone else’s unaltered artwork as a tattoo, but it would be unlikely that a person would sue over this or pursue any type of legal action. Tattoo on the right is a copy of painting by Andres on the left. Sourced from IG: tattoocopycats

Are tattoos covered by copyright?

To determine whether or not your tattoo is covered by copyright it must be shown to meet certain criteria. For a tattoo to be protected under copyright it must be original to the artist and it must be shown to possess at least a minimal amount of creativity.

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Are tattoo artists affected by copied designs?

But of course, tattoo artists are not the only people affected by copied designs. The original client must then also deal with no longer having a unique piece of body art, which they more than likely worked with the original artist to create.

Can you take a tattoo and turn it into a painting?

You can’t take a tattoo you saw and then turn it into a painting or copy someone else’s work and put it on your customers. It just means that a tattoo is part of a person’s likeness and, when that likeness is copied, it can come with it. That said, since this is based on an implied license, it could be trumped by an actual license.