
How was 2018 a bad year?

How was 2018 a bad year?

At a crossroads. New technology is upending everything in finance, from saving to trading to making payments. Commodities such as oil and gold suffered another dismal year, while all over the world, markets struggled. …

Is 2018 a bad investment year?

Larger-cap U.S. stocks fell nearly 14\% in the fourth quarter, wiping out year-to-date gains and ending down 4.5\%. It was a challenging year for our portfolios, driven by sharp declines in international and emerging stock markets. In absolute terms, most investments were negative for the year.

Why was 2018 bad for the stock market?

2018 was not a good year for the stock market. President Donald Trump’s trade war with China, the slowdown in global economic growth and concern that the Federal Reserve was raising interest rates too quickly all contributed to a pessimistic reaction from the stock market.

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What happened in the year 2009?

23 28 Mar 2009: The first case of H1N1 swine flu in the U.S. was found in California. 24 6 Apr 2009: A 6.3 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds in Italy. 25 7 Apr 2009: The former Peruvian President was sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment. 32 11 Jun 2009: H1N1 flu was declared a global pandemic.

What happened to stock market in q4 2018?

The last quarter of 2018 was the worst quarterly performance for stocks since the third quarter of 2011, when the eurozone debt crisis saw stock markets tumble 17.1\%. A large proportion of the quarter’s losses in 2018 came in December, when global stocks fell 7.7\%.

Was 2018 a good year for stocks?

2018 was a record-setting year for stocks, but it’s one investors would rather forget. The Dow fell 5.6\%. The S&P 500 was down 6.2\% and the Nasdaq fell 4\%. It was the worst year for stocks since 2008 and only the second year the Dow and S&P 500 fell in the past decade.

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Was 2018 a good year for the stock market?

2018 was not a good year for the stock market. The stock market woes come despite signs that the general economy is still doing well — with record low unemployment, strong GDP growth and relatively low inflation. But this year a number of other factors outweighed those positive economic indicators.

What happened in 2012 in the world?

The election took place on November 6th, 2012. President Obama won re-election with 51.06 percent of the vote against Romney who came away with 47.20 percent. Women were more likely to vote for Obama than men. Voters of color were overwhelmingly more likely to vote for Obama, as white voters leaned Romney.

What was going on in 2004?

The 2004 United States presidential election is held. The United States re-elects George W. Bush of the Republican Party to a second term as President of the United States, defeating John Kerry. 11 American states ban gay marriage.