
How do you say I just saw your message?

How do you say I just saw your message?

“I saw” is the only correct way to say this. “Seen” cannot stand alone, so “I seen” is incorrect.

How do you say have you received my email?

If you want simply to confirm that you have received her email, a few of the choices you have are:

  1. Thank you, I’ve received your message.
  2. I confirm that I’ve received your message. (a bit more formal)
  3. Receipt confirmed. (a bit curt and. distant)
  4. Thank you for the information.

What did I see or saw?

Frank Dauenhauer explained the usage between “I did saw” and “I did see” rather well. Of course, as he said, the correct answer is “I did see.” This is based on the grammatical protocol that the auxiliary verb “did” is followed by the base verb or the bare infinitive.

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Is received with thanks correct?

They are physicals/tangible objects and are both from the sender. For example, I received flowers with a card. On the other hand, “Received with thanks” is intangible and the “thanks” doesn’t come from the sender but instead the receiver.

Is it correct to say well received with thanks?

I agree with you that “well received” means “getting a good reaction from people”. If someone is worried that their email might not reach you for some reason, I would reassure them with: Thank you. Your email was safely received (or: received safely).

How do you use texted in a sentence?

Texted sentence example

  1. She smiled at his reply, relieved, then texted Dusty.
  2. Puzzled, she texted him again.
  3. Jessi texted Ashley and Brandon to contact her right away then retreated into the apartment and paced.
  4. On a good note: logistical arrangements for Quarterly completed, Han texted .

How do you say what about you in a text?

WBU – What about you?

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Is it correct to say Have you received my message?

“Have you received my message” is also correct. This is present perfect tense and could be used in a conversation that is going on. Remember, we don’t use any words that specify time, in the present perfect tense. So, “Did you receive my message yesterday” would be fine. But, “Have you received my message yesterday” is not correct.

What does “You Got my message” mean?

“You got my message” is an informal approach to asking the listener if they have received the speaker’s message. All of them are correct. The way of asking YOU GOT MY MESSAGE? is a purely colloquial construction to check if one received your message.

What does “did you receive my email mean?

, studied Business at Northeastern University (1976) Even though it doesn’t specify, “did you receive my email” sets up an opportunity to establish a particular time. If you choose “have you received my email” it indicates that you just want to establish receipt but not as per any specific time .

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Is it correct to say Have you Got my email?

If you asked “have you gotten my email” you would be referring not to a specific time but rather by a specific time , or you could simply state “ you got my email” not as a question but as a statement which is correct but also vague because it doesn’t refer to any time. Did you receive my email? Have you received my email?