Which is best homeopathy or Ayurvedic?

Which is best homeopathy or Ayurvedic?

Dr Pankaj Aggarwal, senior homeopathy physician, says, “Homeopathy is way considered best when it comes to safe and sound treatment as it is devoid of any kind side effects or after as in allopath and indulges in to the recovery of the disease or ailment as in Ayurveda where you need many sessions to cure the disease.

Can allopathy and homeopathy taken together?

Because homeopathic medicines are used in highly diluted doses, they do not interact or interfere with the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of conventional drugs and, therefore, homeopathic and allopathic medicines can be used together.

Is homeopathic and Ayurvedic same?

The alternative systems of medicine include Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy and are collectively referred to as acronym “AYUSH.” The Ayurveda and Homeopathic systems offer graduate degree equivalent in duration to that of the modern allopathic system.

Is it safe to take Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy together?

There is no harm in taking Homoeopathy and Ayurveda together for the same cause. Both are medical therapies are based on holistic science. Both will help the body metabolism and immunity. Both are natural and mild. I use both for myself, my family and patients.

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Can I take all types of medicines with homeopathic medicines?

Yes you can take all types of medicines with homeopathic medicines but with some exceptions which depends on the name and ingredients of the allopathic or ayurvedic medicines. Please consult your health provider for the correct advice for some particular medicine.

Can aayurbed and homeopaty be taken together?

Yes ,ayurbed and homeopaty can taken together due to following points 1- homeopaty works law of similar,that is’ like cures like ” principle, it means the substance which causes disease in healthy people can cure the disease in illpeople. 2-ayurbed works law of opposite or antipathy,there is no potency in…

Can homeopathy cure constipation?

In homeopathy if you have constipation you are administered a medicine that has an Inherent ability to create constipation in a Healthy individual because in homeopathy it is believed that only the substance that has an ability to cause constipation in Healthy individuals can cure it in sick individuals.