
What does less than twice mean?

What does less than twice mean?

“Less than” means subtraction, whereas “more than” means addition. Saying “twice a number” means that you are multiplying that number by 2.

What is three less than a number?

Look Out: be very careful with “less than.” Three less than a number is translated as “x – 3.” The reverse of that, “3 – x,” would be a number less than 3.

Which expression represents a number that is three less than twice D?

Explanation: We need to rearrange the word problem a little. When they are saying “4 less than twice a number”, that’s the same as saying “twice a number minus 4”.

How do we express three less than a number?

How do you double check in math?

Double check your final answer – This is an important step in solving any question. Once you find the solution, you always want to double check the answer by plugging it back into the original equation, and ensuring that it works.

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Which expression represents 4 less than twice a number?

When they are saying “4 less than twice a number”, that’s the same as saying “twice a number minus 4”. When you are asking for less than something, that indicates subtraction! We’ll abbreviate number to n .

How do you find 3 less than twice a number?

All you have to do is set up this equation (3x=2x-3), since x (the unknown number) multipled by 3 (which becomes 3x) equals x multipled by 2 (which is 2x) subtracted by 3 (which makes it 2x-3), and then solve. In the end, you should get x=-3, or -9=-6–3. So there you have it. Also to know is, what is 3 less than twice a number?

What is 3 more than twice a number is 7?

The number (x) in: “3 more than twice a number is 7” is what we are solving here. In other words, you are looking for a number (x) that if you multiply it by two (same as twice) and then add 3, you get 7. The answer above is correct, because twice 2 is 4, and 3 more than 4 is in fact 7.

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How do you write the inequality twice a number?

To write the inequality we will start by defining “a number” as n. Then, “twice a number” can be written as 2n. To solve, first subtract 3 and n from each side of the inequality to solve for n while keeping the inequality balanced: Any number less than −7 will make this inequality true.