
Why do we admire intelligence?

Why do we admire intelligence?

In many fields and areas, hard work can simply be used to compensate for reduced intelligence in much the same way as a high intelligence can be used to compensate for low dedication/effort. As such, the admiration of intelligence is more applicable to how knowledgeable a person is likely to be.

Can you admire someone’s intelligence?

There is a term for this kind of attraction called sapiosexuality, when a person is stimulated by how someone uses their mind. A downside is sometimes a person may be attracted to intelligence if they have low self-esteem or admire someone for intelligence; they feel they don’t have it due to insecurities.

What is the difference between intelligence and hard work?

Intelligence is knowing what to do. But hard work is execution. People who work really hard get feedback from their efforts. And this is how they’re able to grow their intelligence in the relevant field.

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What makes man successful intelligence or hard work?

Hard work – The Most Important Element to Achieve your Goals Hard work is even more important than being smart or intelligent. Any person, who is intelligent but not hard working, would know all the right solutions but his laziness would prevent him from implementing the ideas to reality.

Why are some people admired for their intelligence?

Usually, people who are admired for the their intelligence are actually displaying a well-balanced combination of intelligence plus some of those other qualities, which are inherited to a much lesser degree and, in any case, seem to largely depend on an individual’s active efforts to master them.

Do smart people work hard or lazy?

They work smart, not hard. Contrary to popular belief, intelligent people don’t study or work all the time. Instead, they’re actually lazy and due to the same reason, they try to find the easiest way to carry out tasks assigned to them flawlessly without having to work hard.

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Why hard work is the key to success?

The Reason Why Hard Work Is The Key To Success 1. It’s the price you pay for what you’re going to get. If success was free, everyone would have it. But there are few successful individuals and each of them had put in enough productive work before they received anything in return. That’s important, and it’s fair enough.

Why do some people get off on other people’s intelligence?

Intelligence helps the species survive and evolve. Intelligence is rare. Our brains are still primitive and hard wired to be in a hierarchy and some people organize a hierarchy by intelligence with the most intelligent being placed at the top. Smart people get off on other smart people bc of the smartness of their brains.