
Which book is best for ethics integrity and aptitude for UPSC?

Which book is best for ethics integrity and aptitude for UPSC?

1. Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Chronicle Publications. The Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude authored by Niraj Kumar is one of best selling books for Ethics paper. Lexicon provides objective keys to solve the Case Study Questions.

What should I study for Ethics in UPSC?

The topics that will be covered in General Studies Paper IV (Ethics) are Codes of ethics & Citizen’s Charters, Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world, Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; information, Public or Civil Service …

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How do I prepare for GS Paper 4?

How to prepare for GS Paper 4: Strategy & Tips

  1. #1 Ethics and Integrity : Make small notes of concepts that are relevant to the topics that are a part of ethics and integrity.
  2. #2 Governance and Emotional Intelligence : A similar approach should be applied for preparing topics under governance and emotional intelligence.

Is optional removed from UPSC 2022?

No, the Optional Subjects are still a part of the UPSC Mains exam. Another change that is being talked about is the possible removal of the optional subject papers. Many believe that the optional subjects should be done away with since it greatly increases the subjectivity element in the exam.

How do I approach ethics in UPSC?

General Guidelines for Preparation of Ethics Paper

  1. Know the syllabus – Syllabus of Ethics is your most important book and keywords list in itself.
  2. Read limited books.
  3. Notes help in keeping keywords together in concise form.
  4. See all previous year papers.
  5. Reading is not as important as answer writing is for Ethics.
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How many questions are there in GS 4?

IAS (UPSC CSE) GS 4 is a descriptive paper of 3 hours with a total of 250 marks. IAS (UPSC CSE) GS 4 consists of 12 questions divided into two sections. All the questions are compulsory.

What is the meaning of GS IV in UPSC?

UPSC Mains General Studies Paper IV (GS-IV) is about Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. UPSC GS-IV paper is one of the nine papers of Mains Examination of the IAS Exam .

What is General Studies 4 Paper syllabus for UPSC Mains Exam?

General Studies 4 Paper Syllabus for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam consists of the below major areas : Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.

How many questions are there in UPSC ethics paper in mains?

Prior to UPSC 2018 exam, the Ethics paper in Mains comprised 14 questions divided into direct theoretical questions and case studies for a total of 250 marks. Now, the number of questions has been reduced to 12. An IAS aspirant’s ability to provide concise, pragmatic and sustainable solutions to diverse societal issues is still tested.

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Why Awdhesh Singh’s UPSC ethics course?

Through this course, Awdhesh Singh explains the basic concepts and key points that will help one acing the UPSC mains. Do watch and share the word so that other aspirants also can make most out of it. What Is Ethics?