What happens if you keep bruising in the same spot?

What happens if you keep bruising in the same spot?

When a hematoma occurs, the body cannot heal the bruise as easily or quickly as a minor injury. As a result, a hematoma stays the same color, firmness, and causes the same level of pain even after several days. A person may need medical attention to find out if the hematoma requires further treatment.

Can repeated bruising cause long term damage?

If left untreated, some large bruises may even wind up causing permanent muscle damage.

What does it mean when it takes a long time for a bruise to disappear?

Bruises are typically surface injuries that heal on their own without medical attention, and people can treat them safely at home. However, if you suffer a more significant trauma or injury and have bruising that does not heal and disappear after 2 weeks, then it’s time to get medical attention.

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Can bruises cause long term damage?

How do you get rid of deep tissue bruising?

The following treatments can be done at home:

  1. Ice therapy. Apply ice immediately after the injury to reduce blood flow around the area.
  2. Heat. You can apply heat to boost circulation and increase blood flow.
  3. Compression. Wrap the bruised area in an elastic bandage.
  4. Elevation.
  5. Arnica.
  6. Vitamin K cream.
  7. Aloe vera.
  8. Vitamin C.

Do bruises get bigger if you bruise easily?

Generally, harder blows cause larger bruises. However, if you bruise easily, a minor bump — one you might not even notice — can result in a substantial bruise. Some people — especially women — are more prone to bruising than others.

When should I be concerned about bruises on my body?

Bruising easily usually isn’t a serious problem, but Strey recommends calling your health care provider if any of these descriptions apply to your bruises. 1. You have systemic symptoms like fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes or unintentional weight loss along with unexplained bruising.

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Why is easy bruising so common in older adults?

Although most bruises are harmless and go away without treatment, easy bruising can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem. Why is easy bruising so common in older adults? Most bruises form when small blood vessels (capillaries) near the skin’s surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury — often on the arms or legs.

What causes bruises to form on the body?

Most bruises form when small blood vessels (capillaries) near the skin’s surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury — often on the arms or legs. When this happens, blood leaks out of the vessels and initially appears as a black-and-blue mark.