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Why do so many Harry Potter characters die?

Why do so many Harry Potter characters die?

Throughout the series, Voldemort sets out to kill Harry Potter because of a prophecy that predicted Harry would defeat him. He also led a large group of Death Eaters who killed many of the main characters and fought for pureblood-wizard supremacy over Muggles. When Harry’s spell finally hit him, the Dark Lord died.

Do a lot of people die in Harry Potter?

According to (infallible) Wikipedia, over 158 characters died over the course of the Harry Potter books, and while that number includes deaths as insignificant as the spider Mad Eye Moody Avada Kedavra’d (NOT THAT ITS LIFE WAS NOT PRECIOUS), that still leaves us with a pretty significant body count.

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What happened to Hedwig’s body?

In the the first part of the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hedwig dies when she tries to protect Harry and Hagrid from the Death Eater’s attacks, being hit with a killing curse and her lifeless body spiralled down to the ground and all Harry could do was watch in grief.

How many people have died in the Harry Potter books?

Death is a major subject in the books of Harry Potter. At least one person dies in five out of seven of the Harry Potter books, and the death of a person or people in the past is an important plot element in all seven.

Why didn’t Harry Potter die in the Deathly Hallows?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows discussion. The answer has nothing to do with Hallows. Harry didn’t die because Voldemort used Harry’s blood to resurrect himself, taking Harry’s mother’s protection inside him. This made it so Voldemort can touch Harry, but it also tied Harry to life for as long as Voldemort lives.

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Why did Harry Potter become the Master of death?

The Hallows were simply a macguffin. Harry became the Master of Death because he learned that death was not something to fear. This was the lesson of the story of the three brothers. The third brother learned that death was not to be feared but embraced at the proper time.

How do you rank the deaths in the Harry Potter series?

Considering the extremely high death toll in “Harry Potter” and our ongoing emotional investment in the series, it seems only appropriate that we put our tears to good use and rank the deaths in order of emotional devastation, from “cool with it” to “need a moment” to “day ruined if you even bring it up.”