
What being a teacher has taught me?

What being a teacher has taught me?

“Teaching taught me that students’ needs, experiences, and knowledge are so diverse that there is no way to plan and deliver a lesson exactly as planned. I learned that any curriculum needs to be adaptable to teachers’ own circumstances, and that programs need to leave room for students’ own thoughts and ideas.”

How do you show appreciation to what your teacher taught you?

6 Ways to Show Your Teacher How Much You Appreciate Them

  1. Thank You Notes. Writing notes to your teachers are a small simple way to show them that you care and appreciate them and everything that they do.
  2. Gift Cards.
  3. School Supplies.
  4. Snacks.
  5. Flowers.
  6. Parent Volunteers.

What are the pros of teaching?

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Pros of Teaching

  • Opportunity to Make a Difference. As a teacher, you are afforded the opportunity to influence the world’s greatest resource: its youth.
  • Consistent Schedule.
  • Daily Excitement.
  • Opportunities for Growth.
  • Lasting Relationships.
  • Good Benefit Plans.
  • High Demand.
  • Low-Paying.

Why is it important for teachers to learn about school curriculum?

It helps teachers align. A good curriculum also connects teachers from across grade levels and subject areas to look at the big picture of student learning. Teachers can work together to plan a progression of topics that build off of ones that came before and connect across disciplines.

Is being a teacher fun or hard?

Being a teacher is HARD. “Being a teacher must be so fun! You get to color all day and play with kids!” NO teacher likes hearing this. But almost every teacher has heard this at some point during their teaching career. Yes, it’s true, the majority of my ‘colleagues’ are children.

What if only I had listened to my teachers?

Oh, if only I had listened. The whole point of putting up a strict front is to avoid being walked all over by students. Students have an innate sixth sense that allows them to sniff out weak or ‘easy’ teachers within the first days or even hours of a new school year.

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Should teachers be forced to ‘teach to the test?

Deep breaths, deep breaths. Unfortunately, for most public schools, standardized test score do matter, so many teachers are forced to ‘teach to the test’; at least to a certain degree. (Basically, this means countless boring lessons filled with repetitive test practice.)

What to say to a teacher who inspired you?

You’ve set a great example for all of us to follow, you’ve inspired us to be better people and to always strive to do our personal best. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher! Before meeting you, I never thought that a person could be a teacher, support, mentor and philosopher all in one!