
Are anime pictures copyrighted?

Are anime pictures copyrighted?

So are Anime characters Copyrighted? Yes, they are copyrighted! Using that character to make money for your own without the rights to use that character, is illegal!

Do fansubs still exist?

The rise of licensed, legal versions of anime delivered by streaming services should theoretically put an end to that work, but there are still “fansubbing” groups out there, translating anime for reasons that include self-education, community building, and love — simulcasts be damned.

What is Fansubbing anime?

A fansub (short for fan-subtitled) is a version of a foreign film or foreign television program, typically anime or dorama which has been translated by fans (as opposed to an officially licensed translation done by paid professionals) and subtitled into a language usually other than that of the original.

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Are fansubs dead?

Fansubs still exists. After all, there are many anime movies that still need subbing and some of these movies won’t get licensed for a while…or ever.

Is it legal to post anime?

Fair use requires most of the work to be your own. Posting an entire manga or anime episode may be a copyright violation. It is best to attribute images to the copyright holders. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t make the effort if the image is an original artistic work.

Why do people fansub?

The main purpose of fansubs is to allow English-language fans access to obscure anime they would never see otherwise. A secondary purpose of fansubs is to give fans an advance taste of anime that may someday be licensed. Fansubs are not to be considered a substitute for owning a legal, English-language copy.

Are fansubs better?

Fansubs are just better. From 15 years of experience, official subs are better 90\% of the time. The watering down of lines is likely because one translator thought “They said this, but I think it would be cooler if they said that here, and it’s pretty much the same right?” Or just mistranslation.

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Is posting anime on FB illegal?

NEWS: Facebook just started taking down anime pages that posted full anime episodes! Big anime pages which were illegally uploading complete anime episodes are being taken down with copyright strikes. Repeat offenders, who continuously upload illegal anime episodes will be banned from using Facebook.

How can I legally upload anime?

First, you have to talk to the anime copyright owner, ask for the price they are willing to license it for your uploading, you can negotiate, but it will likely not change by much. You pay the price, obtain the copyright license to put the show on Youtube.