
How do you maintain programming habits?

How do you maintain programming habits?

  1. Connect coding to your interests.
  2. Use the “cue-routine-reward” habit loop method.
  3. Establish some measurable goals.
  4. Work on a project you’re passionate about.
  5. Plan what you’re going to code the day before.
  6. Make coding a social thing.
  7. Make sure you’re learning about an area of coding that actually interests you.

What are some good coding habits?

10 Programming Habits Developers Should Adopt

  • Write Human-Friendly Code. Always remember that you are not just writing code for machines, but for your future self too.
  • Think Organization.
  • Planning Before Coding.
  • Write Manageable Code.
  • Stop Overdoing Features.
  • Learn To Debug Smarter.
  • Find A Stronger Editor.
  • Do Version Control.

What should be kept in mind while coding?

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Exercising coding standards and best practices help in reducing time spent on code review due to errors….Keep the Code Simple

  • Consistent coding-style.
  • Small code blocks.
  • Clean code and proper nesting structure to keep it readable.
  • Avoiding complicated logic for simple derivations.

How do you deal with difficult colleagues?

Here are 5 strategies to deal with difficult colleagues: 1. Keep friends close, enemies even closer A difficult colleague may not be your enemy, but the more you know about them, the better you can understand them. I will admit that, as an FBI agent, there are people out there who considered me to be the difficult colleague.

Is your difficult colleague your enemy?

A difficult colleague may not be your enemy, but the more you know about them, the better you can understand them. I will admit that, as an FBI agent, there are people out there who considered me to be the difficult colleague. I (sometimes) regret that I left casualties in the squad room, but I also know I had reasons for taking my stance.

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How do you deal with hostile coworkers?

Hostile coworkers 1 Try to be introspective 2 Be distinct in making a request 3 Use non-negotiable statements instead of polite question 4 Try to bring a “peace offer” 5 If nothing works ignore this person and talk to you HR

Is it possible to deal with difficult situations at work?

She has decades of experience writing about human resources. In every workplace, you will have difficult coworkers. Dealing with difficult coworkers, bosses, customers, clients, and friends is a skill worth perfecting. Dealing with difficult situations at work is challenging, yet rewarding.