
Is the Steve Jobs biography accurate?

Is the Steve Jobs biography accurate?

He spoke with Jobs’ family, and co-workers at Apple. The result of those interviews was “Steve Jobs,” a 657 book that became the definitive work on one of history’s greatest businessmen. “The book is smart, accurate, informative, insightful, and at times, utterly heartbreaking.

Is Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson worth reading?

Yes it is worth it. The trouble is that Walter Isaacson just does not understand his subject, he does not have a clue about computers. He claims he has many sources but he omits a lot of things. But the story is great, the person is so big, the subject is huge.

What is the best biography of Steve Jobs?

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However, here are 7 books that provide iconoclastic perspectives into the life of the world’s most-written-about entrepreneur:

  1. The Bite in the Apple (2013)
  2. The Zen of Steve Jobs (2012)
  3. Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple (1988)
  4. Jony Ive (2013)
  5. Steve Jobs & The NeXT Big Thing (1993)
  6. Steve Jobs and Philosophy (2015)

Did Steve Jobs write any books?

The book was released on October 24, 2011, by Simon & Schuster in the United States, 19 days after Jobs’s death….Steve Jobs (book)

Author Walter Isaacson
Publisher Simon & Schuster (U.S.)
Publication date October 24, 2011
Media type E-book, Print (Hardback and Paperback), and Audiobook
Pages 656 pp.

What is the story of Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs was a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer era. With Steve Wozniak, Jobs founded Apple Inc. in 1976 and transformed the company into a world leader in telecommunications. Widely considered a visionary and a genius, he oversaw the launch of such revolutionary products as the iPod and the iPhone.

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How do you think like Steve Jobs summary?

The key to thinking differently is perceiving things differently. To perceive things differently, you must be exposed to divergent ideas, places and people. This forces your brain to make connections it otherwise might miss. Steve Jobs has done this his entire life.

Was Steve Jobs an effective leader?

‘Steve Jobs’ leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead. ‘ His creative awareness, his ‘meticulous eye for detail’, was clearly a driving force in Apple’s success.

How many interviews did Isaac Isaacson do with Steve Jobs?

Isaacson was able to engage in more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs taking place over two years. On top of this, he interviewed more than a hundred people who knew Jobs well. For example, family members, friends, colleagues, and competitors. This biography invites readers into the life and personality of Steve Jobs.

What is the summary of Steve Jobs biography?

Steve Jobs: The Biography is an unfiltered account of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ life. Isaacson was able to engage in more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs taking place over two years. On top of this, he interviewed more than a hundred people who knew Jobs well.

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What do you think of Steve Jobs’ book on the iPod?

The chapters about the creation of the iPod, iPhone and iPad were very interesting to someone who has used these products for years and years and feels she has some proficiency using what they offer me. But the insight I gained from the book on Steve Jobs the man left me very sad.

Why did Steve not read Walter’s biography?

Steve was an intense man with a roller coaster life, but he did not want any control over this biography. He supported Walter’s choice to write the biography but put nothing off-limits and chose not to read the biography before it was published.