
How can I attempt questions in UPSC mains?

How can I attempt questions in UPSC mains?

Take UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice 2021-22 to improve the speed in attempting the questions. Don’t spend too much time answering a single question. Don’t spend time defining the keywords in the question. Instead, focus on answering the crux of the question.

Can we leave questions in UPSC mains?

Take every exam, including compulsory languages papers very seriously. Don’t leave any questions unanswered in the compulsory papers even if you are cent percent sure of getting pass marks. During those Three hours, take every second very seriously. Try to answer every question till the end.

How many papers should I select for UPSC Mains?

The UPSC Mains or CSE (Main) pattern was revised in 2015. As per the revised pattern, the UPSC Mains 2020 will comprise nine theory papers (essay descriptive type). Out of the nine papers, only seven will be counted for merit ranking. Candidates also have to choose one optional subject for UPSC Mains.

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What subject options can I get in the UPSC Mains?

(1) Algebra

  • (2) Real Analysis
  • (3) Complex Analysis
  • (4) Linear Programming
  • (5) Partial differential equations
  • (6) Numerical Analysis and Computer programming
  • (7) Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics
  • What are the syllabus included in UPSC Mains?

    UPSC mains syllabus consists of Ethics, General Studies, Essay and Optional papers spanning over 7 exams. The ESSAY PAPER in the UPSC examination is General Studies Paper 1 accounts for 250 marks in the Mains examination. Lucky for you, the UPSC syllabus and notification tells you precisely what it is looking for in the Essay exam.

    How many papers are there in the UPSC Mains?

    The UPSC mains (written) examination comprises nine papers. This includes two qualifying papers and seven papers which will be calculated for ranking. Read on to know what the optional subjects in IAS are.