
What does Mary say to Jesus in John?

What does Mary say to Jesus in John?

According to the longer ending of Mark’s Gospel (Mark 16:9) Mary Magdalene is the first person to whom Jesus shows himself alive after his resurrection….

John 20:17
Jesus telling Mary not to touch him, by Hans Holbein the Younger
Book Gospel of John
Christian Bible part New Testament

What is the main point of John Chapter 2?

John 2 is the second chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It contains the famous stories of the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine and Jesus expelling the money changers from the Temple.

Did Mary ever perform miracles?

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People have credited a vast number of miracles to God working through the Virgin Mary. Those miracles can be divided into those that were reported during her lifetime, and those that were reported afterward.

Why wine is the first miracle of Jesus?

The first recorded miracle in the New Testament is told in John 2:1-11 when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding. Because this was Jesus’ first public miracle, it is often considered one of the most memorable miracles to many Christians today.

What happened when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene?

9 Now when he was risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. 10 She went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept. 11 And they, when they heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, disbelieved.

Which was the first miracle of Jesus?

The transformation of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana or Wedding at Cana is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John.

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What is the meaning of turning water into wine?

Deep symbolism may be at the heart of Jesus’ first recorded miracle: the turning of water into wine. Blood is symbolic of mortality. It is what nourishes earthly bodies (see Genesis 9:4). Water is symbolic of eternal life.

Why did Mary ask Jesus to do something special for her?

Mary obviously wants Jesus to do something special to fix the situation; He had performed no miracles up to this point ( John 2:11 ), and Mary undoubtedly thought it was time He showed who He was. Jesus’ response, read in modern English, strikes some people as abrupt, even impolite or rude. He responds, “Woman, what does this have to do with me?

Did Jesus ever perform a miracle in public?

The wedding occurred over a month later after Jesus had gathered about half of His disciples ( John 1:43 ). Although He had never performed a miracle in public, it was time to demonstrate who He was. It is interesting that the quality of wine He supplied was superior to anything that had been served thus far ( John 2:10 ).

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What does the Bible say about Jesus’ treatment of Mary?

By addressing Mary this way, Jesus does distance Himself from His mother somewhat—He was exerting His independence from her wishes—but in no way was it a rude manner of speaking. Jesus lovingly uses the same word from the cross when He tells Mary that He is entrusting her to John’s care (John 19:26).

Is it possible that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding?

It is quite possible. Such a connection would explain Jesus’ presence at the wedding but not His decision to perform His first miracle there. One consideration is that of honor. In those days, family honor was of vital importance.