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Does Saturn can support life?

Does Saturn can support life?

Saturn cannot support life as we know it, but some of Saturn’s moons have conditions that might support life.

What would happen if Earth and Saturn collide?

By the time Saturn is at the same distance as the Moon, its tides would be many thousands of times stronger than the Moon’s. Fault lines would rupture, volcanoes would blow their tops, and anything left on the surface of the Earth would be wiped out. And then comes the final blow.

Is there life on Saturn?

While planet Saturn is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons. Satellites like Enceladus and Titan, home to internal oceans, could possibly support life.

Why can’t life exist on Saturn?

The second largest planet in the solar system, Saturn is composed mainly of gases such as hydrogen and helium, with only a hint of water ice in its lower clouds. The low levels of water and the huge pressures found there make it unlikely for life to exist within the planet itself. …

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How long does it take for Saturn to orbit the Sun?

Orbit and Rotation Saturn has the second-shortest day in the solar system. One day on Saturn takes only 10.7 hours (the time it takes for Saturn to rotate or spin around once), and Saturn makes a complete orbit around the Sun (a year in Saturnian time) in about 29.4 Earth years (10,756 Earth days).

Where is Saturn located in the Solar System?

About 4 billion years ago, Saturn settled into its current position in the outer solar system, where it is the sixth planet from the Sun. Like Jupiter, Saturn is mostly made of hydrogen and helium, the same two main components that make up the Sun.

What’s so special about the Saturn system?

From the jets of water that spray from Saturn’s moon Enceladus to the methane lakes on smoggy Titan, the Saturn system is a rich source of scientific discovery and still holds many mysteries.

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What is the Earth’s rotation around the Sun?

The Earth’s rotation around the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 and quarter days (one year), The rotation of the Earth around the Sun causes the sequence of the four seasons (the summer – the spring – the autumn – the winter). The sequence of the four seasons. The Earth’s axis is inclined and this causes the difference in