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Why is it colder when we are closer to the Sun?

Why is it colder when we are closer to the Sun?

Since there is less direct sunshine, less energy is absorbed by the surface and the temperature is lower. If you look up towards the Sun at noon in the winter, you will see that the Sun lower in the sky.

Why is the Sun cooler in the evening?

Answer: Because in afternoon the sun is on the top and the rays of sunshine comes direct to the earth so we feel warmer and in morning and evening the sun is slightly to the earth so we feel colder then afternoon.

Why is it hotter when the Sun is higher in the sky?

For part of our orbit the northern half of Earth is tilted toward the Sun. This is summer in the northern hemisphere; there are longer periods of daylight, the Sun is higher in the sky, and the Sun’s rays strike the surface more directly, giving us warmer temperatures. The north pole is in constant daylight!

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Why is it cooler in the evening that in the afternoon?

Slanting rays fall in the morning and evening. Vertical rays are hotter than slanting rays. As the vertical rays give more heat per unit area, the noon is hotter than morning and evening.

Why are evenings cooler than afternoons?

At noon sun’s rays fall directly over our head and hence it is the hottest time of the day. Morning and evening are comparatively less hotter because rays fall at an angle. Land gets heated faster and also cools down faster than water. During the night, when there is no sun rays, land gets cooled faster.

Why is it hotter in the late afternoon?

It may feel hotter at the noon hour because we are getting the most energy from the sun at that time. However, Earth is storing incoming energy or heat throughout the day. The longer the sun is out, the warmer the air becomes. The temperature jumped 20 degrees three hours later.

Why is it hotter in the afternoon than at noon?

This heat is slowly radiated out causing an increase in temperature. In short, at 12 noon you feel only the sun’s heat, whereas at 3PM you feel the sun’s heat plus heat which is being given off by the earth. Due to the addition of both, it feels hotter during the late afternoon, than at 12 noon.

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Why is it hotter during noon?

It may feel hotter at the noon hour because we are getting the most energy from the sun at that time. However, Earth is storing incoming energy or heat throughout the day. The longer the sun is out, the warmer the air becomes. As the sun rises, the solar radiation heats the ground.

Why is it hotter at sunset?

This has the effect of warming the air. It is thus possible for the temperature to decrease as the Sun goes down and even well into the night (because outer space is cold), but as soon as cloud cover comes over then the temperature can increase significantly because the ground is a large reservoir of heat.

Why is the Sun hotter between 2-3pm and 12-12pm?

The reason why the sun is hotter between 2-3pm is because it is actually closer to us on a direct spot light over our heads, and is moving to the horizon, getting away, and this is why at noon is not that hot, because is a great distance away, for this the Earth is steady…

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Why does the temperature drop right before sunrise?

In the time right before sunrise, the sun is still low enough in the sky that the solar radiation is very weak – weaker than the radiating heat from the earth. Therefore, it’s normal for the temperature to keep dropping until the sun gets a bit higher in the sky.

Why is the noon sun higher in June than in December?

Notice from the illustrations above that the noon sun is much higher in June than in December. This means that the sun’s rays strike the ground more directly in June. In December, on the other hand, the same amount of energy is diluted over a larger area of ground:

How does the intensity of sunlight on the ground depend on Angle?

The intensity of sunlight striking the ground depends on the sun’s angle in the sky. When the sun is at a lower angle, the same amount of energy is spread over a larger area of ground, so the ground is heated less. The angles shown here are for the noon sun at latitude 41° north.