
Is off the record confidential?

Is off the record confidential?

For a conversation to qualify as being off the record, speakers must agree that the conversation will be confidential and the information will not be shared.

What is speaking off the record?

If something that you say is off the record, you do not intend it to be considered as official, or published with your name attached to it. May I speak off the record? Synonyms: confidentially, privately, in private, in confidence More Synonyms of off the record.

What’s the difference between off the record and on background?

Off the record: The information cannot be used for publication. Background: The information can be published but only under conditions negotiated with the source. Generally, the sources do not want their names published but will agree to a description of their position.

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What are the differences between giving an interview to a journalist that is on record off the record or on background?

On the record: The information can be used with no caveats, quoting the source by name. Off the record: The information cannot be used for publication. Background: The information can be published but only under conditions negotiated with the source.

What does on background mean for journalists?

According to the Associated Press, an on background arrangement with a reporter means that “information can be published but only under conditions negotiated with the source. Generally, the sources do not want their names published but will agree to a description of their position.”

What does off the record mean in journalism?

Off the record: Ideally, terms are established at the start. And since nothing from the conversation can be used for publication, journalists are, ideally, cleareyed about the consequences of this arrangement, if they agree to it at all: Sources will have their own agendas, trying to shape future coverage to their liking.

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Is it ever OK to go off the record?

So no one should go off-the-record unless they actually trust the journalist concerned. It is important to remember that whilst journalists are guided by their code of ethics this is not legally enforceable and isn’t strongly policed. And there is one important override.

What are some examples of off the record conversations with reporters?

A lower-stakes example from my own experience: the ballad of Ted Cruz and the mediocre Chinese food. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr. Cruz held an off-the-record session with several reporters who were traveling with him, in the lounge area of a New Hampshire hotel lobby.

How do you identify someone who is speaking off the record?

So usually a person speaking off-the-record is identified by a descriptor such as ‘a source,’ ‘a senior insider,’ ‘a party official’ or ‘a colleague.’ Sometimes they may be given an alias so the story has a strong narrative and the audience can identify with the source’s plight. The important thing is that the identity is not revealed.