Tips and tricks

What are the common mistakes that even good engineering managers sometimes make?

What are the common mistakes that even good engineering managers sometimes make?

The 5 Common Mistakes Of New Engineering Managers

  • Still doing much technical work. This is the number one of all the usual mistakes of new engineering managers.
  • Not giving (enough) holistic feedback.
  • Doing all the project management.
  • Not sharing enough information with the team.
  • Not doing one-on-one coaching.

What does an engineering manager need to know?

A good engineering manager must know the technology well and be an expert in the jobs that team members are performing. You then are credible, can transition into a strong mentor and create a cohesive, successful team that works well together.

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Can engineers make mistakes?

Operating in the engineering industry, it is common to make mistakes. These mistakes can have a serious impact on your business model and your ability to make a profit.

What is the hardest lesson you have learned as an engineering manager?

What is the hardest lesson you have learned as an Engineering Manager? The hardest lessons I’ve learned have always been with big challenges, stressful times or during a high-level of uncertainty. Those are the moments, where Engineering Managers really need to step up and lead by example.

How much should an engineering manager code?

A Software Engineer does 100\% coding and 0\% management. A Senior Software Engineer may do around 5\% of management, which leaves 95\% for coding. A Staff Engineer may end up doing 15\% management and 85\% coding. He can also be a Tech Lead which does around 60\% coding and 40\% management.

Why do engineering managers want to write code?

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Code reviewing helps build empathy with the team while also strengthening programming skills and building an understanding of the product. Code reviewing requires both the ability to read and understand code — arguably one of the most important aspects of a great engineer.

What are the most common project management mistakes?

Fred Brooks illustrated a common project management mistake with his famous statement that just because one woman can have a baby in nine months does not mean that nine women can have a baby in one month. And we still see this come up time and time again — the idea that throwing more people at a problem can make it be fixed quicker.

Are there any common mistakes in software development?

Some of these mistakes are not exclusive to software development, but they are especially prevalent and damaging in that context. Fred Brooks illustrated a common project management mistake with his famous statement that just because one woman can have a baby in nine months does not mean that nine women can have a baby in one month.

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Are project management pitfalls affecting your software development?

When you combine project management pitfalls with software development challenges, you have a recipe for some big (but often preventable) problems. Project management is never an exact science, but when you combine it with the vagaries of software development, you have a recipe for disaster.

What are the most common mistakes when transitioning to management?

The transition to management isn’t just a promotion and a pay raise —it’s a shift into a new type of role that requires a whole new skill set. So as you assume that new role, be on the lookout for these common mistakes. 1. Still Trying to Do Things Yourself As an employee, you focused on tasks.