Why do I keep comparing my girlfriend to my ex?

Why do I keep comparing my girlfriend to my ex?

“This type of behavior, comparing your current partner to your ex is typically a result of hurt or betrayal from your previous relationship,” Osborn says. “When you’ve been hurt or trust has been broken in a previous relationship, it is hard to stop the the ghosts of your ex enter into your new relationship.

Can a guy ever forget his first love?

Is it hard to let go of your first love? You never forget your first love because it has a special resonance in your actual physical cells and DNA. First love is intense and vulnerable, heady and scary – and that’s why it’s so difficult to let go of a past relationship.

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How do I stop comparing my boyfriend to others?

How to stop comparing your relationship to others

  1. Acknowledge the feeling.
  2. Don’t bend the truth about your relationship to one-up friends or relatives.
  3. Refrain from judging other people’s relationships.
  4. Write down what you love about your partner (and reference it often)

What should I do if my boyfriend won’t change?

Your boyfriend really does need that kind of encouragement. Every time you hang out, don’t tell him the 15 things he needs to change (even if half of them are true). Pick and choose your battles wisely, and always err on the side of adding value to him.

How to get your boyfriend to Like you More?

Pick and choose your battles wisely, and always err on the side of adding value to him. Guys perform better when others encourage them to do so. Building your boyfriend up and being his No. 1 fan is one of the best things you can do. 2. He Needs Fun Companionship (Adventure) Ladies, you might wonder, What does my boyfriend want to do for fun?

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What does a boyfriend really need from his girlfriend?

4 Things Every Boyfriend Really Needs From His Girlfriend 1. He Needs Her to Be His No. 1 Fan (Encouragement) 2. He Needs Fun Companionship (Adventure) 3. He Needs Her to Understand His Purity Struggle (Support) 4. He Needs Breathing Room (Space)

What should I know about my boyfriends friends before dating?

His friends. You might know who some of his friends are, but not all of them. Take it as a warning sign if they have no idea who you are. Ideally, he would talk about you with all his buds to the point where they know you even without having met. Also, you should have some idea of what his pals like and do not like.