
How do I find the spark again?

How do I find the spark again?

Over time, taking the following small steps in your relationship can lead to massive changes and help you bring back the spark.

  1. Use your relationship polarity to your advantage.
  2. Be physical to help intimacy grow.
  3. Be curious about your partner.
  4. Innovate and give the relationship your best effort.

What to do when you’ve lost your spark?


  1. Make Time for Yourself. Little kids spend a lot of alone time playing.
  2. Say “No” More Often. When we constantly put others’ needs before our own, we tell our subconscious mind over and over that we do not matter.
  3. Do What You Love.
  4. Speak Your Truth.
  5. Get Help.
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Is your relationship losing its spark?

Most relationships go through phases. But that doesn’t mean that, after the initial honeymoon phase where we’re riding that biochemical high of love, relationships are supposed to become boring or passionless. If your relationship has lost its spark, that’s something to take an honest look at and see if something needs to shift.

When does the spark return for you after a breakup?

The spark will return for you as soon as you realize your partner doesn’t want you back. Unfortunately, the spark will be alone, because, by implication, your partner has moved on.

Is it OK to break up with your partner after a year?

And while, for many couples, that can settle into a steady relationship that lasts for years, it’s OK if you lose interest in your partner and decide to break up. It might happen as the honeymoon period starts to fade and you realize you don’t want to invest long-term.

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How to tell your partner You’re Losing interest in your relationship?

If you can relate to a majority of these signs of losing interest in a relationship, you need to have an honest conversation with your partner. Tell them, ‘I see signs you’re tired of your relationship’ and be prepared to take the tough decision of letting them go.