
Is graffiti a valid art form?

Is graffiti a valid art form?

While graffiti is art it can be considered vandalism depending on where you do it. Graffiti is just art but on a different canvas. Art brings light and color as well as graffiti, graffiti artists don’t get the chance to show that graffiti is art because people think of it as vandalism.

Why graffiti should not be considered art?

Why Is Graffiti Vandalism And Not Art? It is considered vandalism and illegal. Graffiti may be regarded as artistic expression, but it can also have positive outcomes. There is an art movement taking place, and artists are creating art without permission.

How is graffiti typically used as an art form?

How Is Graffiti Typically Used As An Art Form? Besides communicating with others, graffiti art also beautifies a community because it appears on places that normally would be unsightly. For example, a vacant lot or an abandoned building would be transformed into something beautiful with graffiti art.

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Why is graffiti considered bad?

Public disorder, such as littering, public urination and loitering. Shoplifting of materials needed for graffiti, such as paint and markers1. Gangs and gang violence, as gang graffiti conveys threats and identifies turf boundaries. Property destruction, such as broken windows or slashed bus or train seats.

Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism essay?

Graffiti is art because it is deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Graffiti can also be thought-out as an art that vandalizes property if it is carried out without permission. But if it is carried out legally (with authorization) it can not be thought out to be vandalism.

Why is graffiti considered an art?

In the end, graffiti should be categorized as a form of art. Graffiti is a form of expression. Unlike the scribbles and marks many people confuse graffiti as, when done properly and with experience, graffiti creates beautiful pieces of art. Many people actually enjoy graffiti as a form of art.

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Is graffiti an art opinion?

Contributing columnist Sam Jefferson argues that graffiti should be seen as a form of art rather than vandalism. Graffiti provides a way for people to openly express themselves. It helps people make a statement about what they believe in.

Do you think graffiti is art?

In my opinion Graffiti is considered art even no they come in different styles some graffiti may not be considered art. But to some people but in some wonderful minds Graffiti is considered art. some of it cause some of it stands for gangs and stuff. also graffiti can be used to express one’s feelings to the world, as long as it’s used correctly

Is graffiti vandalism worth the cost?

Perhaps if there were more art classes for youth and youth at risk, graffiti vandalism would not be such a problem. Graffiti is vandalism, especially when it hurts the community. Factoring in post graffiti clean-up and budgetary consequences, this “art” is just not worth the cost.

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Does “the directory” condone graffiti?

The editors of “The DiRectory” also do NOT condone illicit wall art (aka graffiti). Though many graffiti artists are very talented, we agree with Mr. Williams that artists should always get prior approval to use the space where they display their art. Mrs. Shattuck

Why is street art so valuable?

As well as having meaning, art is also valued for its beauty, and there’s no denying how beautiful some graffiti can look, which is why street art tours are now so popular all over the world. Even though graffiti is generally free to access, more and more people are willing to pay to see some of the most magnificent works in the city of choice.