
Why does the poet call violet a lovely flower?

Why does the poet call violet a lovely flower?

Explanation: The poem ‘The Violet’ by Jane Taylor opens with the verse ‘Down in a green shady bed’ where the speaker spots the ‘modest violet’ as if it is trying to hide with its bent stalk and head hung low. The speaker feels that with its beauty and charm, it could be a part of a rosy bower flaunting its beauty.

What makes you think that the violet was humble?

Violet is a very beautiful flower. Yet it exhibits humility by bending down(Its stalk was bent, it hung its head as if to hide from blue). Jane Taylor tries to convey the fact that, just because a person possess beauty, they should not be too proud of it.

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Where did a modest violet grow?

Down in a green and shady bed, A modest violet grew, Its stalk was bent, it hung its head, As if to hide from view.

What is the theme of the poem the violet?

Through this poem, Jane Taylor wants to emphasize the need of being humble and polite. the man should learn modesty and contentment from violets that, despite their dazzling beauty, are content in their humble belonging and make this world lovable.

What is the moral of the poem the violet?

What does the poem Violet teach us?

What lesson the does the violet teache us? Answers: 4. The poem teach us to be quiet, modest and gentle.

What lesson does the violet teaches us?

What is the message of the poem the violet?

What poem inspired you to write the poem The Violet?

Inspired by the poem ‘The Violet’ by Jane Taylor. Dedicated to the poet Jane Taylor. Split image from the poem ‘A Master Florist Seeks Out A Perfect Bloom’ by Terence George Craddock. Inspired by the poem ‘The Violet’ by Jane Taylor.

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What does the ‘violet’ symbolize?

The ‘Violet’ represents a person who is extremely talented but is afraid to show his or her talents.She could have been the most beautiful thing ever know to the mankind, only if she came out of her hiding and oyster shell, and showed his or her talents.

What is the meaning of the violet by Jane Taylor?

Comments about The Violet by Jane Taylor. The ‘Violet’ represents a person who is extremely talented but is afraid to show his or her talents.She could have been the most beautiful thing ever know to the mankind, only if she came out of her hiding and oyster shell, and showed his or her talents.