
Why is Sakura so underrated?

Why is Sakura so underrated?

She is underrated because he character arc was poorly written and given insufficient attention. She’s basically the “everyman” character who gets overshadowed by the awesomeness of her godlike peers. Consider the following: she was not born with any special bloodline powers (like Sasuke, Hinata, and Neji)

Is Sakura ever useful?

Sakura becomes an important character in the final battle, healing and saving lives as only she can do. You could almost say that without her the final war would have been lost with how much she contributes.

Is Sakura really that useless?

A large amount of people rail on the fact that Sakura is a completely useless character, contributing nothing aside from being incredibly annoying. However, some argue the opposite—Sakura actually has great character development and skills. What do you think?

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How do you feel about Sakura from Naruto?

I feel like readers didn’t try to understand her and just thought of her character as a typical girl character, or just tossed her up to bad writing. Sakura was underrated, and the things she contributed to the show were unappreciated. She was the most human of most of the characters: she felt weak, she felt useless, and she was bullied.

Is Sakura Haruno slept on as a character?

The story of Sakura Haruno is a great one. She’s a slept on as a character, not only in terms of Naruto characters but characters in general. I feel like readers didn’t try to understand her and just thought of her character as a typical girl character, or just tossed her up to bad writing.

Does Sakura still have a crush on Sasuke?

Sakura still has a crush on Sasuke and gets put onto a team with him and Naruto. Naruto has a crush on her and she continuously shuns away any attempt he tries to make to be with her, or even to be friends. Naruto is shunned out of society and Sakura treats him like most of the village does, albeit with more psychical comedy.