What happened to the Steve Rogers from that timeline?

What happened to the Steve Rogers from that timeline?

The final scenes of Avengers: Endgame essentially ended Steve Rogers’ time as Captain America in the MCU, with Steve handing over his shield to Sam Wilson and choosing the Falcon as his successor.

Is Sharon related to Steve Rogers?

Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers have a daughter named Sharon Rogers. Created as part of Captain America’s 75th anniversary, she is from an alternate timeline where she now serves as Captain America.

Why does Tony call Thor Point Break?

Point Break is the name Tony Stark gave Thor in the first Avengers film because of his resemblance to Patrick Swayze in the 1991 film, Point Break.

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What happened to Steve Rogers in Avengers Endgame?

The climax of Avengers: Endgame sees Steve Rogers using Pym Particles to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful places in the timeline. However Rogers later returns as an old man, revealing he went to the 1940s and secretly lived out his life with Peggy Carter.

What happens at the end of Avengers Endgame?

The end of Avengers: Endgame has one final big time travel reveal. When Steve Rogers goes back in time to replace all the stones and, as the movie tells it, correcting every potential issue, instead of returning to the present, he uses the Pym particles to jump to the 1940s to be with Peggy.

How old is Steve Rogers?

Therefore, the Steve Rogers who bequeaths his shield to Sam Wilson is meant to be more than a century old. While it might first seem like a surprise, the math actually sort of works out. According to the Captain America: The First Avenger prequel comic, Captain America: First Vengeance, Steve was born on July 4, 1918.

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What happened to Steve Rogers in the MCU?

Bucky and Sam Wilson are waiting for Captain America to return, but instead, they find an old version of Steve Rogers sitting on a bench nearby. We learn that Steve stayed in the past and lived out his life in peace with Peggy Carter before ending up back at that exact spot as an old man.