
Why do some YouTube channels not show their subscriber count?

Why do some YouTube channels not show their subscriber count?

By default, all settings are set to private. Private: When your subscriptions are set to private, no other users can see what channels you subscribe to. Your account does not show in a channel’s Subscribers List, even if you’re subscribed.

Do YouTube channels know who their subscribers are?

Can YouTubers see who subscribed to their channel? YouTube creators can see who has subscribed to their channel. This information however is only available for channels that have their subscriptions set to be public.

Why does YouTube studio show less subscribers than YouTube?

The subscriber count on your YouTube studio updates live as subscribers enter and exit your channel, so you will see the exact number of subscribers not rounded. The reason being is, on YouTube channel it has been updated to show only the round figured numbers to 100.

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Is the subscriber count accurate?

This means that YouTube creators have a harder time delivering their content to people who have subscribed to their channels. So you can no longer rely on your YouTube subscriber count to measure your performance, as it is not an accurate way to predict or determine your views.

Who subscribed to your YouTube channel?

Who Subscribed to Your YouTube Channel? 1 1. Log into YouTube, click your profile icon, and go to the YouTube Studio. 2 2. Scroll down until you see the Recent Subscribers panel. Click See All. 3 3. A pop-up window will appear showing your recent subscribers. Adjust the date range at the top to see who subscribed in the last seven days, month,

Why doesn’t my YouTube subscriber count match my analytics?

You might notice that the YouTube subscriber count that’s visible on your channel does not match the subscriber count you see in Analytics. This is because YouTube does not instantly update your channel stats in real time.

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How do I view my subscribers on YouTube studio?

View your recent subscribers 1 Sign in to YouTube Studio. 2 On the Dashboard, find the ‘Recent subscribers’ card. 3 Click See all to expand the card.

Why are my YouTube channel stats not updating?

This is because YouTube does not instantly update your channel stats in real time. It takes 48 hours for the platform to update the data on your Analytics dashboard so they can make sure that your new subscribers are legitimate.