
How do I track shares on LinkedIn?

How do I track shares on LinkedIn?

How to Measure Your LinkedIn Activities

  1. Discover how to measure and track your activities on LinkedIn.
  2. Click on My Network in the main navigation of your LinkedIn profile to see the number of connections you have.
  3. Click on any status update to see engagement metrics.
  4. Measure overall reach and engagement post by post.

How do I see who shared my article?

Sometimes, you might want to see who has shared a public post that isn’t yours. It’s just as simple to do. Go to the post in question, such as on a Facebook page or friend’s account, then select Share. You’ll see a list of the people who have shared the post.

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How do I see who shared my company post on LinkedIn?

When you click to view the stats for a post, you’ll see the number of likes, comments and shares – and that’s how you can find out who’s shared your post. If your post has been shared, there will be a counter with the number of shares shown. Tap this and you’ll see the details of each share.

How do I see my LinkedIn stats?

When viewing this data, keep these points in mind: Post analytics are available for 60 days from creation. A view is measured when someone sees your post on their LinkedIn feed. Article analytics are available for 2 years from creation.

How do you see if a link has been shared?

To find out what stuff from your blog has been shared on Pinterest, put http://www.pinterest.com/source/ in your address bar, followed by your blog’s URL (without the HTTP and WWW stuff.) For example, my URL is melbel.hubpages.com.

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How do I track a link?

Track clicked links with Google Analytics

  1. Click your profile image at the top right, then select Account settings.
  2. Click Analytics tracking settings.
  3. Select Enable Google Analytics integration then enter the domains you want to track:
  4. Click Save analytics settings.

How do you shorten your LinkedIn URL?

  1. Log into your LinkedIn account.
  2. Go onto your LinkedIn profile.
  3. In the upper right corner, click “Edit public profile & URL” and then click the pencil icon next to “Edit URL”
  4. Customize your public profile URL.
  5. Click “save” and you’re done.

Does LinkedIn suppress posts with links?

Av per linked post “As you can see, the data suggests that linkless posts far outperform posts with links in terms of engagement,” says Beable. Posts without links also earned far more impressions on average, even though they did not have the help of hashtags or paid boosts.

Can you see how many shares a post has on LinkedIn?

When you view a LinkedIn post, you see the numbers of “views” and “likes”, but not the number of shares. There used to be a hack to look up the numbers of shares – by opening the posts in an incognito window. That no longer works. However, LinkedIn doesn’t make a secret of the number of shares.

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Can you see who reads your LinkedIn posts?

This new feature can be reached via Profile > Who’s Viewed Your Profile > Who’s Viewed Your Posts. (Don’t fret if you don’t yet see it in your account. This feature is in a phased roll-out to all users, so it’ll be there at some point.)