
Did you really just lean on the cauldron of the cosmos?

Did you really just lean on the cauldron of the cosmos?

“Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?” “Is that what that is? I’m going to allow that. If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?”

How many alternate endings did Dr Strange See?

One of the many meme-able scenes from Avengers: Infinity War sees Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange look into the future 14,000,605 times in order to find every possible scenario in which the Avengers could face off against Thanos, and what the outcome would be.

How many timelines did Doctor Strange See?

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Doctor Strange saw 14,000,605 possible futures.

When did Hulk meet Dr Strange?

Hulk Meets Dr Strange and Wong Scene – Avengers Infinity War (2018) HD Movie Clip [1080p 50 FPS] – YouTube.

How did Wong know about the Infinity Stones?

Trained by the Ancient One During his time with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Wong learned of the Infinity Stones, such as the Space Stone and its association with Red Skull before it was found by S.H.I.E.L.D.. Wong also knows that the Time Stone was housed inside the Eye of Agamotto.

Is Hulk and Bruce Banner the same person?

Bruce Banner (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Bruce Banner is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film franchise first portrayed by Edward Norton and currently by Mark Ruffalo—based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name—known commonly by his alter ego, the Hulk.

What is the cauldron of the cosmos in Doctor Strange?

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The Cauldron of the Cosmos was a mystical item owned by Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange has used the Cauldron for pondering the immutable mysteries of the universe for hours on end or to glimpse into the depths of space to monitor for mystical threats.

Why did Tony Stark lean against the cauldron of the cosmos?

While discussing the impending arrival of Thanos, Tony Stark leaned against the Cauldron of the Cosmos to stretch his legs much to the annoyance of Doctor Strange. Like this? Let us know! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

What is the purpose of the cauldron of the cosmos?

History. The Cauldron of the Cosmos was a mystical item owned by Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange has used the Cauldron for pondering the immutable mysteries of the universe for hours on end or to glimpse into the depths of space to monitor for mystical threats.