
Does reading before bed make you smarter?

Does reading before bed make you smarter?

Reading before bed makes you smarter and better Reading consistently before bed will significantly enhance your memory and mental abilities in all stages in life. They say that exercising the brain this way can actually reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

What do millionaires do before bed?

They create a cozy sleep environment. Stephen King, one of the richest and most successful authors alive, says his nightly routines include washing his hands and making sure all the pillows face a certain way. The horror writer says it’s not any different than a bedtime routine.

Why reading before bed could improve your sleep?

Reading improves cognitive function.

  • Reading improves your empathy.
  • Reading reduces your stress levels.
  • Reading improves concentration.
  • You will be able to sleep faster.
  • How is reading before bed improves sleep?

    Helps Reduce Stress. One study from the University of Sussex found that reading did a much better job at reducing stress than many other relaxing activities.

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  • Alternative to Watching TV.
  • Better Dreams.
  • Addition to Your Sleep Schedule.
  • Enables the Body to Shutdown Smoothly.
  • Does reading before bed help you fall asleep?

    New studies have perhaps uncovered a new reason to read. Aside from strengthening your IQ or reading for entertainment, reading before bed may help you sleep. An article from the website, “The Telegraph,” states that reading is one of the number ways to relax your mind and reduce stress.

    What do successful people read before bed?

    For example, while some successful people use this time catch up on news stories from the day, skim tech blogs, or browse Reddit and Twitter, others enjoy reading fiction novels and ancient philosophy just before bed. 2. Meditate. Many successful people use the 10 minutes before bed to meditate.