
What happened in the 6 year gap on the walking dead?

What happened in the 6 year gap on the walking dead?

After the six years of this latest time jump, Alexandria has continued to develop. The community has expanded and built more structures, including a mill and a water wheel. The survivors are further along in their rebuilding of civilization, but the community has also grown more tense in the years since Rick “died.”

What happened to the hilltop?

During the Whisperer War, the Hilltop was forced to be abandoned after the Whisperers shot a volley of fire arrows into the Hilltop’s walls, setting the community ablaze and damaging the buildings beyond repair.

Why is there tension between michonne and Hilltop?

Michonne flat out refused to go to the Hilltop because she didn’t know how Maggie would react to her presence. Maggie was extremely angry about Rick and Michonne’s unilateral decision to keep Negan alive, which led to the pair confronting each other when Maggie went in to kill Negan.

Why is hilltop angry at michonne?

On The Walking Dead, something caused a major rift between Maggie and Michonne. Michonne refused to get close to Hilltop saying that she didn’t know what Maggie would do if she saw Michonne. Michonne didn’t even know that Maggie had left, even though it looks like Maggie has been gone from The Hilltop for awhile.

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Does hilltop defeat the horde?

Armed with medieval weapons and shields, the survivors formed a line outside Hilltop and defended their home from the Whisperers. Hilltop was defeated, and the characters were forced to flee and seek refuge elsewhere.

Who is michonne’s baby daddy?

She also develops a romance with protagonist Rick Grimes, becoming a surrogate mother to his children Carl and Judith. In the six years following Rick’s disappearance and apparent death, going by Michonne Grimes, she becomes one of the leaders of the Alexandria Safe-Zone, and has given birth to Rick’s son Rick Jr.

What happens to Oceanside in the walking dead?

After the destruction of the Hilltop, Oceanside and Alexandria are both abandoned with the survivors instead retreating to the “Tower”.

How old is Enid in The Walking Dead?

4 Enid Was 23 Enid first appeared before the time jump, so because of this, by the time of her death in season 9, episode 15, she had already reached her 20s. Doing some math, we can deduce she was 23, to be exact. But when Enid first met the group, a scared and orphaned teen, she was just 16 years old.

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Is the hilltop a real place?

Hilltop is a fictional settlement located about 20 miles from the Alexandria Safe Zone. The set was built near the Raleigh Studios features a large mansion, known as Barrington House. A large wall built around the mansion protects the settlement from the walkers.

Where is Alexandria supposed to be in the walking dead?

Alexandria, Virginia
In The Walking Dead comic book series, The Alexandria Safe-Zone, or just Alexandria, is a few blocks of cleared streets in Alexandria, Virginia, about six miles from Washington, D.C. When Rick Grimes’ survivor group arrived, Douglas Monroe stated that the community had existed for less than a year.

What happened to Alexandria in The Walking Dead?

Six years after Rick Grimes’ assumed death and approximately seven and a half years since its destruction, Alexandria is now led by Michonne Hawthorne and is a thriving community which has welcomed several former Saviors into its midst though it is more cautious towards outsiders than before due to an encounter with Jocelyn’s Group .

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What is the Alexandria Safe Zone in The Walking Dead?

The Alexandria Safe-Zone, or simply Alexandria, is a walled-off community in AMC’s The Walking Dead located in Alexandria, Virginia, near Washington, D.C. It was one of the four joint communities of the Militia , and later on the Coalition along with the Hilltop , the Kingdom and Oceanside until it was destroyed by the Saviors during their assault.

What’s the deal with the hilltop and Alexandria?

The issues between the Hilltop and Alexandria aren’t between the Hilltop and Alexandria. It’s Hilltop and Michonne specifically. Michonne has said that she made some tough decisions which caused Hilltop to be mad at her, but they should be grateful that “at least they’re alive to be mad at her”.

Is Michonne cut off from the hilltop in The Walking Dead Season 9?

There have been a lot of emotional moments in The Walking Dead season 9 but it’s very difficult to see Michonne cut off from The Hilltop and the people there like Tara, Jesus, and Enid. The strength of the survivors has always come from each other. As Rick said long ago in season 5, they survive by pulling together, not apart.