How can I prepare for EAMCET in 15 days?

How can I prepare for EAMCET in 15 days?

Try to remember important Grab 11th and 12th class andhra state board textbooks and try to memorise every formula . Give some hours to each subject every day and you will surely be able to memorise a lot of the formulaes.Do this for 2 weeks and you will have 5 more days left . Solve previous papers of EAMCET.

How many days are enough for EAMCET?

If you are very thorough with your Intermediate 1st & 2nd-year syllabus, 30 days are required to prepare for TS EAMCET.

How do you score 100 in TS eamcet?

TS EAMCET Revision Approach

  1. Prepare a proper revision timetable.
  2. Choose the most productive time.
  3. Divide your time for each subject.
  4. Try to avoid distractions.
  5. Make yourself more comfortable in the last days.
  6. Don’t stress your mind and don’t overburden.
  7. Solve test papers.
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What books should I read for eamcet?

List of Best Books for TS EAMCET MPC Stream

  • EAMCET Mathematics (Andhra & Telangana)
  • Objective Mathematics Vol 1 & 2 (RD Sharma)
  • Complete Mathematics (TMH)
  • Arihant Skills in Mathematics (Dr SK Goyal, Amit M Agarwal)
  • NCERT book for Mathematics.

What books should I read for EAMCET?

What should I read for EAMCET?

Candidates can follow the given tips and tricks to prepare for TS EAMCET 2021….Best Books for TS EAMCET 2021.

Subjects Books
Chemistry IPE Textbook for Chemistry EAMCET Chemistry Chapterwise 25 Years Solutions & 5 Mock Tests by Arihant Publications NCERT Textbook

How to prepare for TS EAMCET 2021 exam?

As the TS EAMCET 2021 exam date and hall ticket already announced, it is time for the last major task, i.e., effective preparation. As there are only a few days left for the exam, you need to revise your chapters and practice the questions regularly. Making a TS EAMCET Preparation plan will assist you in acing this competitive examination.

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When should I Revise for AP EAMCET exam?

Due to the length of the AP EAMCET syllabus, the candidates must not leave revision for the last day. The candidates must revise the important topics on a regular basis in order to score good marks. The candidates must start revising the entire syllabus at least 7 days before the exam date.

How can I prepare for Eamcet chemistry in one day?

If you want to get a good rank in EAMCET then you will have to study for 12-15 hours in a day otherwise it is impossible to get a good rank. Chemsitry is the easiest part of the paper so focus more on Chemsitry. Start reading chemistry textbook. Try to cover as much as possible. Try to remember important points from the textbook.

How to prepare for TS EAMCET with little time left?

As there are a few days left for the TS EAMCET, it is time to give attention to your weak points and practice all the chapters you are not comfortable with. Solve a sufficient number of TS EAMCET practice questions with increasing difficulty level once you are done with a chapter.