
How do you stop a passive aggressive coworker?

How do you stop a passive aggressive coworker?

8 Tips for working with passive-aggressive coworkers

  1. Address the situation directly.
  2. Identify their incentives.
  3. Analyze the content behind the delivery.
  4. Assess your own actions.
  5. Don’t take it personally.
  6. Review your forums for conversation.
  7. Avoid reciprocating their behavior.
  8. Enforce expectations.

What to do when a coworker makes you angry?

Just focus on what you’re doing in the moment, which should be breathing. If it helps, put in some ear buds and play some calming, meditative music. If you find your thoughts wandering off, simply bring your focus back to your breathing. Try to pinpoint why you’re angry.

How do you deal with an aggressive coworker?

“Know that you have a solution, you’re not powerless,” says Woodward. Here are some tactics to consider when dealing with an aggressive colleague. The first step is to understand what’s causing the behavior.

How to deal with a condescending co-worker at work?

4 Better Ways to Handle a Condescending Co-Worker Than Stooping to His Level. 1 1. Don’t Take it Personally. First and foremost, keep calm and carry on, as they say. If you take things personally, it’ll feel like this person is 2 2. Call Him on It. 3 3. Neutralize Your Body Language. 4 4. Ask for Clarification.

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How do you deal with lazy coworkers at work?

So be professional when you speak with your boss. Let them know that you’ve attempted to handle the matter privately, to no avail. Then show management how your lazy coworkers are hurting the company. Take a birds-eye view approach and don’t make your complaint about your personal discomfort, but the success of the company in general.

What to do when your co-worker dislikes you for no reason?

What to Do When Your Co-worker Dislikes You for No Reason. 1 1. Take a Step Back. When finding out that someone in your office doesn’t like you, your first inclination might be to obsess over your relationship 2 2. Accept It. 3 3. Decide Your Course of Action. 4 4. Be the Bigger Person.