
How many zip codes are in Minnesota?

How many zip codes are in Minnesota?

Minnesota has a total of 884 active zip codes.

How many zip codes are in Hennepin County?

66 Zip Codes
Hennepin County, Minnesota: 66 Zip Codes.

What US city has the most zip codes?

The Most Populated Zip Codes in America

Rank ZIP code Metro area
1 77449 Houston, Texas
2 11368 New York, New York
3 60629 Chicago, Illinois
4 79936 El Paso, TX, Texas

Do all MN zip codes start with 5?

Every ZIP code in Minnesota and Wisconsin starts with a 5. So do ZIP codes in Iowa, Montana, North and South Dakota. The first three digits of a ZIP code are linked to a sectional center facility.

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What city has zip code 55131?

ZIP Code Details

Zip Code: 55131
City: Saint Paul
State: MN [Minnesota]
Multi County: No

What country is Minneapolis?

United States

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Country United States
State Minnesota
County Hennepin
Incorporated 1867

Where is Minneapolis in the States?


What is Maple Grove MN ZIP code?

Maple Grove/Zip codes

Is there a ZIP Code 10000?

The basic zip code for New York is considered zip code 10001. This is curious, but the code 10000 belongs to neither New York nor the United States of America since postal code 10000 belongs to the Czech Republic, the 10th district of Prague.

What is the smallest ZIP Code in the US?

The lowest ZIP Code number is 00501, unique for the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY.

Do any US zip codes start with 0?

There are 3,669 zip codes in the U.S. that begin with a zero, most of which are located on the east coast. Zip+4 is a more common way to record zip codes, “12345-1234.” The first five digits indicate the destination post office or delivery area and the Zip+4 code represents a specific delivery route. Importing .

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Is there a ZIP code 00000?

The 00000 zip code is described in state data as home to people who listed themselves as residents of Clearwater,Feather Sound,Baker County,Miramar Beach,Tierra Verde,Jackson County,St. That’s why zip code totals can occasionally drop. It can also make zip codes with testing sites look higher.

What are the ZIP codes for Minnesota?

ZIP code of Northern (MN) is 56601. Below you can find map of Northern, or look up other ZIP codes in Minnesota or other US states. If Northern’s ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 56601.

What is the ZIP code for Twin Cities?

Twin City (GA state) ZIP code. ZIP code of Twin City (GA) is 30471. Below you can find map of Twin City, or look up other ZIP codes in Georgia or other US states. If Twin City’s ZIP code is duplicated, and other places have same ZIP code number, you can use our ZIP code searcher by number 30471.

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What is the ZIP code for Lake City MN?

The Lake City Zip Code is 55041. If you want to send a mail to Lake City City, you should use the 55041 Zip Code. In 1983, the U.S. Postal Service introduced an expanded Lake City ZIP code system that it called ZIP+4, often called “plus-four codes”, “add-on codes”, or “add ons”.

What is the ZIP code for the University of Minnesota?

Moorhead State University (MN state) ZIP code. ZIP code of Moorhead State University (MN) is 56563. Below you can find map of Moorhead State University, or look up other ZIP codes in Minnesota or other US states.