Tips and tricks

Can people see how many times you view a YouTube video?

Can people see how many times you view a YouTube video?

YouTube doesn’t show realtime view counts. Interestingly it’s not. YouTube obviously features a third way of counting views. So you see: It’s not that easy. YouTube itself doesn’t have one precise answer on the question of how many views your video has.

How can you tell who viewed your YouTube video?

Find YouTube Analytics for Your Channel

  1. Log in to YouTube and select your profile photo or icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Select YouTube Studio.
  3. In the left panel, select Analytics to expand a list of tabs for different types of statistics related to your video viewers, including Reach, Engagement, and Audience.

Can you tell if someone watched your whole YouTube video?

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Can you see who viewed your YouTube videos? Unfortunately, views on a YouTube video aren’t like views on your Instagram story — you can’t see what users are watching your videos. The analytics provided by YouTube also include information like users’ watch time, traffic sources, and how many people have shared it.

Can one person count for multiple YouTube Views?

While not every repeat view will be counted to an overall view total, YouTube understands that its users might see a video and want to watch it multiple times or show it to people within their social circles, so multiple views can happen from one device or account and trigger new views that will be added to the total.

Will YouTubers know who watched their videos?

Can YouTubers see who viewed their video? YouTubers cannot see exactly who has viewed their video, but they can see the percentage of how many viewers are a certain age or what gender they are.

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How can you tell if someone watched your video?

Google Analytics On the videos page, click ‘Analytics. ‘ From there, check out ‘Audience retention,’ which will show you how long people are watching your video for, and where they’re dropping off. In ‘Performance,’ you’ll see a summary of what actions viewers are taking after they watch your video.

Can YouTubers see who viewed the video you viewed?

YouTubers can’t see who viewed the video or liked the video. They can only see the PUBLIC accounts (witch means not all) that have subscribed to their youtube channel. Even the sign in we as a owner of the YouTube channel unable to see whom are viewing our videos.

Can you tell if someone liked or shared your YouTube video?

Otherwise, there is no way to confirm if someone has liked, shared, or viewed your video. Creators are told about every user who subscribes to their channel or comments on a video, but that is the only time they can know who exactly interacted with their videos.

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Is the user’s name and email address visible on YouTube videos?

No. The user sensitive information like His/her name, his/her email address or his/her exact location is kept under secret by the YouTube. It is because of its no use to the YouTube channel you are actually watching Video. If any channel owner wants to check the stat. then he can easily do that by checking out the Channel YouTube analytics.

Can the owner of a video on YouTube see my name?

Nothing – such as your name – can be found by the owner, unless you comment on the video. No. The user sensitive information like His/her name, his/her email address or his/her exact location is kept under secret by the YouTube.