
What two numbers have a geometric mean of 8?

What two numbers have a geometric mean of 8?

Because there are only two numbers, the nth root is the square root, and the square root of 64 is 8. Therefore the geometric mean of 2 and 32 is 8.

Which of the following is the arithmetic mean between 10 and 20?

An arithmetic mean is a fancy term for what most people call an “average.” When someone says the average of 10 and 20 is 15, they are referring to the arithmetic mean.

What is the arithmetic mean of 10 and 24?

Thus, 10 + 24 2 = 17 is the arithmetic mean.

How do you find the arithmetic mean of two numbers?

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One method is to calculate the arithmetic mean. To do this, add up all the values and divide the sum by the number of values. For example, if there are a set of “n” numbers, add the numbers together for example: a + b + c + d and so on. Then divide the sum by “n”.

What is the geometric mean of 32 and 2?

Suppose you wanted to calculate the geometric mean of the numbers 2 and 32. Because there are only two numbers, the n-th root is the square root, and the square root of 64 is 8. Therefore the geometric mean of 2 and 32 is 8.

What is the arithmetic mean of 2 numbers?

Arithmetic mean is 10. Geometric mean is 8. 8^2 = 64. Number pairs can be 2,32. 3,21.3 4,16 4,16 are the numbers. OR = 6.4. The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 5, and their positive geometric mean is 4.

How do you find the average of arithmetic mean?

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How do you find the average arithmetic mean? Arithmetic Mean is simply the mean or average for a set of data or a collection of numbers. If A represents the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of n numbers then value can be calculated using formula: A = (The sum of the n numbers)/ (number of terms).

What is the arithmetic mean of 64/x = 20 – x?

If the smaller number is x, then the larger number has to be 20 – x in order for the arithmetic mean to be 10, as their sum must be 20. Solving 64/x = 20 – x gives the quadratic x^2 -20x +64 = 0 so x = 4 or 16.

How do you find the sum of two numbers?

Let the two numbers be x and y. The two numbers are 18 and 8. The geometric mean and harmonic mean of two numbers are 6 and 72/13 respectively. What is the sum of the two numbers? Let the two numbers be a and b. The geometric mean: (ab)^0.5 = 6 or ab = 36 … (1) 72 (a+b) = 2ab*13 … (2) From (1) b = 36/a. Put that in (2)