
Do Orthodox priests go to seminary?

Do Orthodox priests go to seminary?

Most Greek orthodox priests tend to have a bachelor’s degree in their background. Though they may enter the seminary after high school directly, most tend to go on and receive a college education first. The most important educational requirement is training within a seminary.

Are most Orthodox priests married?

The vast majority of Orthodox parish clergy are married men, which is one of the major differences between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches; however, they must marry before being ordained.

Are Orthodox monks allowed to marry?

Under Orthodox rules, a celibate priest cannot marry after ordination, and a non-celibate priest cannot remarry and remain a priest, even if his wife dies, he said.

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Why are Orthodox priests allowed to marry?

But a tradition of married clergy has helped create stability, said the Rev. Under Orthodox rules, a celibate priest cannot marry after ordination, and a non-celibate priest cannot remarry and remain a priest, even if his wife dies, he said.

Why are Orthodox priests only married to one woman?

The Orthodox Church follows St. Paul’s instruction that our spiritual leaders be married to only one woman. Thus, if a priest’s wife dies (or there is a divorce), he can never remarry and remain a priest; in such circumstances, he is also expected to be celibate. Bishops in the Orthodox Church must be Hieromonks.

What happens to priests when their wives die?

Thus, if a priest’s wife dies (or there is a divorce), he can never remarry and remain a priest; in such circumstances, he is also expected to be celibate. Bishops in the Orthodox Church must be Hieromonks. Some bishops have been married, and entered monastic life after being widowed. There are several benefits to having married priests.

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How do you become a priest in the Orthodox Church?

An Orthodox man who feels called to the priesthood has two options. The first, as mentioned above, is to receive the necessary education and, if he is single, delay being ordained until after he is married. The other priestly track requires the aescetic sacrifice of celibacy, perceived in the Church as a form of martyrdom.

When did the Catholic Church start regulating priestly marriage?

The regulation was formally established at the Council of Trent in 1563 after centuries of controversy over the issue of priests and marriage. Prior to Trent, the Catholic Church took the same approach to the question of priestly marriage as the Orthodox Church did (and does today).