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How do you talk to someone who stole from you?

How do you talk to someone who stole from you?

For example, you might say, “I felt betrayed when I found out that you stole from me,” rather than, “You betrayed me when you stole from me.” Using “I” statements can make your friend feel less defensive and more open to communication. Speak calmly, and be genuine, honest and open with her.

Why do family members steal from you?

Repairing the Emotional Damage. Consider what drove your family member to steal. People steal for many reasons. Some people steal things because they feel wrongfully deprived, while others are trying to support a drug habit or pay off debt.

What does it feel like to have something stolen from you?

Having something stolen from me triggered a familiar brand of melancholy – and for a time, I felt beat up. Going to that dark place was tough, but necessary. Sometimes you’ve gotta go through the storm to earn the gift on the other side.

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What should I do if someone steals my stuff?

If it was an item of high value (such as expensive watch, cell phone, computer, etc.) call the police. The police will get your stuff back to you if there’s solid evidence that the person stole the item. For lower value items, not much will be done by police. You’d likely have to handle it yourself, possibly with a fight taking place.

Can you say that the person you think stole it?

Second, you can only say that the person you think stole it, stole it if there was absolutely no one but you and that person in there. If it was you the person you think was the thief and your best friend since y’all was kids, guess what?

What happens if someone steals your stuff and then gives it back?

The police will get your stuff back to you if there’s solid evidence that the person stole the item. For lower value items, not much will be done by police. You’d likely have to handle it yourself, possibly with a fight taking place. Depends. Did the theft effect you or someone you care about?