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Is it possible to meet your idol?

Is it possible to meet your idol?

The two primary sites for connecting with your idol are Facebook and Twitter. With Facebook, you can follow someone even if you are not “friends,” as long as the person has made his or her profile available to the public.

What to say when u meet your idol?

says “I appreciate you; I respect you.” It’s the right way to begin any interaction that you want to go well. Follow the celebrity’s lead. The celeb WILL tell you what’s cool and what’s not, through body language if not with words.

How do you get an idol to notice you?

By including personally interesting content for your celebrity to read you will increase your chances of being noticed.

  1. For example, your idol might love video games. Posting something about gaming might help get their attention.
  2. Try to make your tweets in-line with whatever image your idol is presenting.
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How do I reach out to my idol?

How to Reach Out to Someone Whose Career You Admire

  1. Establish your credibility. When you send a networking request, it’s important to immediately set yourself apart as someone worth knowing.
  2. Offer value.
  3. Highlight what makes you interesting.
  4. Make it clear that you have no expectations.

How do you talk with idols?

Open a dialogue with the person you’d like to talk to by asking a question or explaining why you’d like to speak to them personally. It’s tempting to blurt out what a fan you are or how you’ve read every book they’ve ever written but to really stand out, keep your message clear, concise, and informative.

How do I find my favorite KPOP Idol?

Check into the following four places you may be lucky to meet your favourite K-pop Idols!

  1. SMTOWN Land, a heaven for SM Entertainment artists Fans.
  2. Come to K-pop Idol’s Cafe and Restaurant.
  3. Meet your favourite kpop idols at ‘their home’
  4. Watch FREE Music Program.
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How do you text a famous person?

Write clearly and concisely in messages. Messages that are too long or that ramble without a point might be overlooked. Focus on specific experiences, like the moment you recognized how much you appreciated the celebrity’s work or the first time you saw them live. Write a unique and engaging message to your celebrity.

What happens when you know too much about your idol?

Knowing too much makes you realize that they are also imperfect or — dare I say — human. It is impossible for people to be “on” all the time, and if you catch your idol on an off day, just know you risk major disappointment, especially if they’re having a shitty day. Calling all HuffPost superfans!

Did you ever put ego aside to meet your literary idol?

I did however put ego aside to meet my literary idol, Mr. Allen Ginsberg. There was already a group of people waiting to meet him, so I figured, “Why not?” I anxiously waited in line, but continued to waver on whether I should leave.

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What should I wear to my idol’s concert?

Imagine the swarm of people that are also going to try to interact with your idol. It will be hot, brimming with disease and terribly uncomfortable. If it is a hot summer’s day, please wear shorts and some deodorant. Your idol will appreciate you not being smelly and disgusting as well.