
Who is Boriska kipriyanovich and is he from Mars?

Who is Boriska kipriyanovich and is he from Mars?

Boriska Kipriyanovich is a 23-year-old who lives in Volgograd in Russia. The boy who claims to be from Mars has alleged that he has lived on the red planet before being reborn on Earth on an apparent mission to save humankind. Here’s everything to know about Boriska Kipriyanovich, the boy who claims to be from Mars.

Who is the boy who claims to be from Mars?

The boy who claims to be from Mars: Boriska Kipriyanovich Boriska Kipriyanovich was born in 1996 and is the alleged genius boy from Mars. His mother is a doctor and claims that she always had a feeling that something about was special about the genius boy from Mars.

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How tall is Boriska kipriyanovich?

Boriska Kipriyanovich’s claims about Mars and the Martian race ‘The giant boy from Mars’ as dubbed by netizens is seven-feet tall. Boriska Kipriyanovich claims that he has been sent by the Martian race to save humans from succumbing to a nuclear war and destroying their race.

Is Boris kipriyanovich the only child from Outer Space?

Moreover, Boris Kipriyanovich has also claimed that he is not the only child from outer space. There are many children like him who have been sent on the same mission from outer space. The boy also claimed that these children are reincarnations of the Martian Race and are called the “Indigo Children”.

Is this Russian boy from Mars?

A young Russian Boy has left many scientists across the world baffled when he claimed to be from Mars. Boriska Kipriyanovich is a 23-year-old who lives in Volgograd in Russia.

What did beyondboriska reveal about Mars?

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Boriska revealed such detailed information about Mars, planetary systems, other civilizations and unknown extraterrestrial things that there was no way he could know about. He had achieved amazing language skills at the age of 2, and started talking about the universe at the age of 3.

Why does Boriska say there are other children from Outer Space?

Moreover, they live underground as the environment was poisoned by the radiation in a devastating nuclear war. Boriska says he is not the only child from outer space on Earth, claiming there are others like him who were also sent here on a specific mission to save humanity.