
What is the maximum salary of airmen?

What is the maximum salary of airmen?

Air Force Group Y Salary Structure

Pay Level Pay matrix-3 (Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 57,500)
Basic pay Rs. 21,700
Military Service Pay Rs. 5200
Technical Qualification Pay Rs. 6200
Total Air Force Group Y Salary (Basic) Rs. 26,900

What is the in hand salary of airmen?

Indian Air Force Airmen Salary Structure:

Pay Level Pay matrix-3 (Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 57,500) Pay matrix-3 (Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 57,500)
Basic pay Rs. 21,700 Rs. 21,700
Military Service Pay Rs. 5200 Rs. 5200
Technical Qualification Pay Rs. 6200 Rs. 6200
Total Air Force Group Y salary (Basic) Rs. 33,100 Rs. 26,900

Can I resign Air Force if I selected in CGL?

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“A person who has been enrolled as a member of the Air Force does not have an unqualified right to depart from service at his or her will during the term of engagement.” According to the Air Force authorities, his was in breach of the provisions of Air Force Order 14/2008 which was then in force.

Which is tough Afcat or SSC CGL?

SSC CGL is a lot tougher when compared to AFCAT, the reasons being successive stages of exams, vast syllabus, and numerous candidates. The exam pattern and syllabus of the SSC Combined Graduate Level Test should always be revised by the candidates.

Is airman salary good?

Airmen in the Air Force Group Y receive a pretty good salary along with various benefits during their service. After the training is completed, the Airmen receives the basic salary of Rs. 26,900 per month. Along with this salary, Airmen also receive Dearness Allowance which totals the monthly salary up to Rs.

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What is the SSC CGL salary after the 7th Pay Commission?

The SSC CGL salary after the 7th Pay Commission varies from a minimum of Rs.18,000 to Rs.2,50,000 (including perks), based on different posts. SSC CGL exam is one of the most sought after exams in India and one major reason for this is the salary provided by the Commission.

What is the rank of SSC CGL in income tax?

1. Income Tax Officer, 2. Assistant Commissioner, 3. Deputy Commissioner, 4. Commissioner.1st promotion after completing 8 years of service and clearing dept. exam. SSC CGL Post Wise Job Profile. 1.

What are the benefits offered by SSC?

Apart from the salary, SSC provides various other benefits to its employees, which attracts a lot of aspirants to join the Staff Selection Commission. For details on the SSC Salary of other exams conducted by the Staff Selection Commission, check the link provided.

What is the SSC CGL Dearness Allowance for an employee?

It is Rs 3,600 for employees in the cities and Rs 1,800 for other places. SSC CGL dearness allowance is the compensation given to the employees for the cost of living adjustment.