What should I say to my best friend ex?

What should I say to my best friend ex?

I’m sorry I hurt you. When I ended things, it wasn’t because you didn’t have value as a person.

  • I cherish our time together. When I think back to some of the crazy things we did, I laugh and think of you fondly.
  • I hope you’ve found an amazing BFF.
  • I don’t regret it.
  • Is it OK to date your best friend ex?

    The unspoken rules of girl code imply that it’s basically never OK to date your friend’s ex, especially your best friend’s former boyfriend. Unless you value your relationship with a guy more than your friendship, respect that your friend may not be thrilled you want to start dating her ex.

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    How can I forget my ex best friend?

    How to Get Over A Friendship Breakup

    1. Acknowledge your pain. First, know that your grief is normal.
    2. Practice self-care.
    3. Avoid rumination.
    4. Exercise.
    5. Talk to someone.
    6. Read about others in your situation.
    7. Try a new friend group.
    8. Examine what went wrong in the friendship.

    How to get revenge on your ex-boyfriend?

    One of the fastest ways to get revenge on your ex is to tell him blatantly everything that is on your mind, without holding anything back. If you choose this approach, this is not the time for you to be polite and watch your language and manners.

    How do you get revenge on someone who is harassing you?

    On the other hand, you can get revenge more directly by taking legal action (if warranted), undermining their efforts to embarrass you, or pulling an embarrassing but otherwise harmless prank on them. Carefully consider if revenge is the best course of action before proceeding; if it is, then use caution and keep your wits about you.

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    How do you deal with a friendship that has ended?

    In a situation like this you of course have two approaches. You can get revenge in a methological planned out way (which I dont suggest) or to simply not get revenge- because moving on is the best thing you can do after a friendship ends.

    Should I Forgive my ex-friend?

    If you value anything from your past relationship with your former friend, that should be reason enough to forgive and move on with your life. If you choose not to, you will be sucked in the past dwelling on your own sorrows, defusing misery as you move. What ever happened, happened in the past.
