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Are there unknown elements in space?

Are there unknown elements in space?

Yes, it is possible there are unknown elements and materials in other parts of the universe. They might even exist on Earth, but remain undiscovered.

Are there new elements in other planets?

Whilst it is quite possible that certain elements exist in new interesting compounds or allotropes on a different planet, the only type of planet where undiscovered elements could exist would be one inhabited with sentient lifeforms, who, like humans, have discovered the joys of particle accelerators at some point in …

What elements exist in space?

Outer space is not completely empty—it is a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

What is the 123 element?

Antimony-123 atom is the stable isotope of antimony with relative atomic mass 122.904216, 42.8 atom percent natural abundance and nuclear spin 7/2. It is an antimony(0) and an antimony atom….4.3Related Element.

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Element Name Antimony
Atomic Number 51

Can noble gases exist in space?

For decades astronomers have pursued one noble gas molecule in particular: helium hydride, or HeH+, made of the two most common elements in the universe and thus a good bet to exist in space.

How many elements are found on Earth?

In total, 118 elements have been identified. The first 94 occur naturally on Earth, and the remaining 24 are synthetic elements. @ETsmyhomeboy – nanodiamonds are carbon. Carbon is an element found on Earth. You and I have carbon atoms in us.

Are there any elements that are not naturally occurring on Earth?

And synthetic elements definitely are not found naturally occurring on Earth, I’m sure of that. So, yes on that part. As far as my 30 seconds research goes, all naturally occurring elements are found on Earth. There are no elements that cannot be found on Earth.

Why don’t we have a list of all the elements?

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And so far, nobody has, though we think they exist. Even more importantly, such an element would blow itself to kingdom-come without an exact fractional charge analogue in the electrons surrounding the atom — and electrons appear far more stuctureless objects than do protons. Note that the list of elements has no end.