
What is academic writing used in?

What is academic writing used in?

Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications. You’ll encounter it in journal articles and books on academic topics, and you’ll be expected to write your essays, research papers, and dissertation in academic style.

How do you use the word plethora?

Plethora sentence example

  1. I have a plethora of shirts, so I will donate some.
  2. Libraries have a plethora of books and movies to choose from.
  3. Some coffee shops have a plethora of drinks to choose from, while others stick to the basics.
  4. Contemporary dance is not blessed with a plethora of media coverage on any platform.

Can it’s be used in academic writing?

It’s also worth remembering that contractions are generally considered inappropriate in formal writing, so you should avoid terms like “it’s” in your college work and write “it is” in full instead.

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What should you do to improve your academic writing style?

Nine Basic Ways to Improve Your Style in Academic Writing

  2. Mix it up in terms of PUNCTUATION.
  4. Closely related to this, avoid CHOPPINESS.
  5. Avoid REPETITION.
  6. Be CONCISE.
  7. Use the VOCABULARY that you know.
  8. But also work on expanding your VOCABULARY.

Why is maintaining academic writing important?

Academic writing serves as a tool of communication that conveys acquired knowledge in a specific field of study. Writing academically will help students analyse, convey understanding, think critically and focus on technique and style.

What is academic text examples?

Different types of academic writing include:

  • abstract.
  • annotated bibliography.
  • academic journal article.
  • book report.
  • conference paper.
  • dissertation.
  • essay.
  • explication.

What is plethora information?

: a very large amount or number : an amount that is much greater than what is necessary. A plethora of books have been written on the subject. a plethora of information.

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When should you not use plethora?

‘Plethora’ is a formal, more high-level word, and is usually not appropriate for use in Speaking Parts 1 and 2. For instance, it would sound strange to say, ‘I do a plethora of activities on the weekend.

Can furthermore be used in academic writing?

When used sparingly and appropriately, words such as however, moreover, and furthermore can be helpful for leading a reader from one idea to another or connecting sentences to maintain the flow and clarity in your academic writing.

What is good academic writing?

Academic writing is clear, concise, focussed, structured and backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid the reader’s understanding. It has a formal tone and style, but it is not complex and does not require the use of long sentences and complicated vocabulary.