
Is Theon Greyjoy older than Jon Snow?

Is Theon Greyjoy older than Jon Snow?

The Stark family’s adopted child, Theon Greyjoy, is roughly the same age as Jon and Robb is supposed to be around 19/20 when he dies at his wedding. Most of the Stark kids are 2 years younger in the books, but the actors are a few years older, particularly in the later seasons.

Are Theon and Robb friends?

Theon Greyjoy was always Theon Greyjoy. He may have been treated well by Ned and Catelyn, but he was still a prisoner no matter how good he seemed to have it on Winterfell’s grounds. The fact that he was a prisoner kept him and Robb from forming real bonds of friendship.

What happened between Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy?

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Things weren’t always terrible between Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy. When his father, Balon Greyjoy, failed at his rebellion against the Iron Throne, Theon was taken as a ward (hostage) of Ned Stark. And he became practically family while he was there.

Why does Theon Greyjoy betray the Starks and attack the north?

That’s when Balon tells Theon that he plans to attack the North. He gives Yara 30 ships and gives Theon only one ship. Theon considers staying loyal to Robb and telling him about the plot. But instead, he decides to betray the Starks. He attacks Torrhen’s Square to lure the Stark garrison away from Winterfell.

Does Luwin turn Theon Greyjoy into Reek?

Luwin advises Theon to flee to the Night’s Watch and seek redemption. Theon won’t do it, and he is captured and turned into “Reek.” He ultimately helps Sansa escape, a small step in his possible redemption arc.

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Did Theon betray his loyalty to Robb Stark?

When Ned was executed, Theon pledged his loyalty to Robb Stark. The problems begin when Theon ultimately betrays that oath. In Season 2, Theon suggested to Robb that he seek an alliance with Balon. Robb agreed and sent Theon to negotiate those terms.