
What is subspace on Star Trek?

What is subspace on Star Trek?

In the Star Trek fictional universe, subspace is a feature of space-time that facilitates faster-than-light transit, in the form of interstellar travel or the transmission of information. Faster-than-light warp drive travel via subspace works similarly to the Alcubierre Drive, but obeys different laws of physics.

What is the difference between hyperspace and subspace?

Subspace is used to allow near-instantaneous communications, while hyperspace is reserved for transportation of physical objects and depicted as the slower of the two.

What inventions did Star Trek inspire?

Trek Tech: 10 Star Trek Gadgets That Have Beamed Into Reality

  • Warp Drive. Warp Drive is one of the most iconic technologies used in Star Trek voyages.
  • Tractor Beams.
  • Phasers.
  • Tablet Computers.
  • Hypospray.
  • Universal Translators.
  • Tricorders.
  • Telepresence.

What exactly is subspace?

Okay, how about this: a region of space that coexists with our own universe but is disconnected in some way. A lot of Star Trek gizmos work only when accessing subspace. Warp-drive spaceships, for example, travel through subspace at the speed of light. Messages are transmitted via subspace.

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Is Star Trek The most accurate science fiction series?

Accurate science is seldom exciting and spectacular enough to base a weekly adventure TV show upon. Generally Star Trek is pretty intelligently written and more faithful to science than any other science fiction series ever shown on television.

What are the 10 science topics in Star Trek?

The Science of Star Trek 1 The ship’s computer. 2 Matter-Antimatter Generation. 3 Impulse Engines. 4 Androids. 5 Alien Beings. 6 Sensors and Tricorders. 7 Deflector shields, tractor beams and artificial gravity. 8 Cloaking devices. 9 Subspace communications. 10 Healing rays.

Will there be supercomputers in Star Trek?

Supercomputers have advanced the state of the art of modeling weather and climate. In 400 more years – the time when Star Trek: The Next Generation is set – it is reasonable to expect many of the abilities of computers in Star Trek to really be achieved.