
How do you use the word house in a sentence?

How do you use the word house in a sentence?

[M] [T] It will be a long time before I can buy a house. [M] [T] She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. [M] [T] You’ll find our house at the end of the next street. [M] [T] She asked him to come into her house, but he refused.

How do you use the word house as a verb?

house somebody to provide a place for someone to live The government is committed to housing the refugees. house something to be the place where something is kept or where something operates from The gallery houses 2,000 works of modern art. The museum is housed in the Old Court House.

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What’s difference between house and home?

The word house is used to talk about a building made for people or a family to live in. The word home is used to talk about the family living in a house, or the familiar space inside a person’s house, or the place someone was born or lived as a child.

Is house a thing or place?

Answer: It is a place .

Do you really find a house different from a home Explain with reference to a house is not a home?

House refers to a building in which someone lives. In contrast, a home can refer either to a building or to any location that a person thinks of as the place where she lives and that belongs to her. A home can be a house or an apartment, but it could also be a tent, a boat, or an underground cave.

How is a home different from a house Explain with reference to the lesson a house is not a home?

The word ‘house’ denotes a structure made of concrete material while the word ‘home’ connotes a place where love and concern bind the people inhabiting a space. “A House is Not a Home” is an appropriate title because Zan did not lose his home when he lost his house.

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What is the difference between home and house?

How do you describe your house?

You can use the following adjectives to describe your home:

  • Big.
  • Beautiful.
  • Comfortable.
  • Cosy.
  • Huge.
  • Small.
  • Homely.

Is home a thing or place?

What noun is house?

noun, plural hous·es [hou-ziz]. a building in which people live; residence for human beings. a household. a building for any purpose: a house of worship. a theater, concert hall, or auditorium: a vaudeville house.