Tips and tricks

What does it mean to have a trident on your hand?

What does it mean to have a trident on your hand?

This trident present on the mount of Sun is equivalent to the star formation on the palm. Presence of this sign/symbol indicates that the person is famous, rich, successful and wealthy career-wise.

What does it mean when you have a diamond on your palm?

What does it mean in Palmistry when you have a diamond shape on the palm of your hands? It means…..a Diamond shape anywhere on your palm means your a risk taker and lucky with it! If you have it on your fate line you are extremely LUCKY. Palmistry says it’s quite rare to have it there.

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What is the great triangle?

Definition of Great Triangle : a triangle formed on the palm by the lines of Life, Head, and Mercury that when well-developed is usually held by palmists to indicate breadth of views, liberality, and generosity of spirit.

What does it mean to have Trishul in Palm?

Palmistry: These lines and mark in palm is sign of prosperous and happy life. With this, if there is a sign of Trishul on the Venus mountain, it means that the person gets true love in life and such a person understands the feelings of others and also praises the good works.

What does the Trident mean on a palm tree?

Trident sign on palm is always considered as a very lucky sign because the three prongs of trident signify prosperity (lots of wealth), spirituality (healthy from inside) and plentiful of resources for overall happiness in his or her life. Trident increases the quality of the mounts or lines it appears on.

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What does the triangle mean on the palm lines?

The triangle meaning on the palm lines depends on where it is. The triangle is one of the marks that require careful analysis because most times, the mark is so small that it goes unnoticed. You might see lines crossing on the palm, and they appear to form shapes like squares and triangles.

What does the palmistry triangle mean in tarot cards?

The triangle on the marriage line or heart line indicates that you will get good luck in wealth or get property from marriage or love. On the Head Line. If the palmistry triangle is found on the head line, it suggests that you will not only make academic and theoretical achievements, but also have good eloquence.

Do you have a psychic triangle on your palm?

In this article, we will focus on the psychic triangle but first, let’s find out if this mark exists on your palm. The psychic triangle is a pyramid-shaped mark that sits under the ring finger. This mark is never easily seen because its lines are always thin and almost imperceptible.