Why did Joseph Stalin refuse to withdraw Soviet troops from Eastern Europe and to hold freely democratic elections?

Why did Joseph Stalin refuse to withdraw Soviet troops from Eastern Europe and to hold freely democratic elections?

Q. Why did Stalin refuse to allow free elections in Eastern European countries after WWII? Stalin refused to risk allowing anti-Soviet governments in Eastern European countries. Stalin wanted the United Nations to make those decisions.

Did Stalin invade Eastern Europe?

In 1944 and 1945 the Red Army drove across Eastern Europe in its fight against the Nazis. After the war, Stalin was determined that the USSR would control Eastern Europe. That way, Germany or any other state would not be able to use countries like Hungary or Poland as a staging post to invade. His policy was simple.

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How did Stalin take over Eastern Europe?

Between 1945 and 1948 the Soviet Union made sure that every country in Eastern Europe had a government that was communist. Stalin used a number of ways to take control of countries including rigging elections, appointing a communist leader and using the army.

Why did Stalin want to expand the Soviet Union?

Stalin was eager to extend the territories under his control to establish friendly nations on his borders. The Soviet Supreme leader knew that if friendly governments ruled the territories surrounding his country, that they would be less likely to assist any enemy in attacking Russia.

What did Stalin do to expand the Soviet Union?

Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign. Once in power, he collectivized farming and had potential enemies executed or sent to forced labor camps.

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Was Mongolia part of the Soviet Union?

Shortly thereafter, the country became a satellite state of the Soviet Union, which had aided its independence from China. In 1924, the Mongolian People’s Republic was founded as a socialist state….Mongolia.

Mongolia (Mongolian) Монгол Улс (Mongolian)
• Declaration of independence from the Qing dynasty December 29, 1911